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Opinionated project architecture for Full-Stack JavaScript Applications.


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Full-Stack JavaScript Architecture

Opinionated project architecture for Full-Stack JavaScript Applications.


Using JavaScript for full-stack has always been a challenge especially with architecting various pieces of the application, choosing technologies and managing devOps. This project provides a base for typical project consisting a Landing Website, Web and Mobile Applications, API service and easy deployment of these services. This project uses a microservice architecture where all individual project runs as a service (container).

A typical product (SaaS, etc.) usually consists of following services:

  • Landing page
    • Used for introducing your business to customers
    • Provide links to download the mobile application
    • Provide link to access web application
    • Contact page
    • Privacy policy page
    • Terms of use page
    • SEO friendly (should support server side rendering)
  • Web Application
    • Your actual application for your customers to use
    • Desktop browser
    • Tablet and mobile browser via responsive design
  • Mobile Application
    • Your actual application for your customers to use
    • Android (Mobile/Tablet)
    • iOS (Mobile/Tablet)

Core Structure

  ├── backend
  │   ├── api
  │   │   > NodeJS
  │   │   > PORT 8000
  │   │   >
  │   │
  │   ├── database
  │   │   > MongoDB
  │   │   > PORT 27017
  │   │
  │   └── proxy
  │       > NGINX
  │       > PORT 80 / 443
  ├── deployment
  │   > Docker Compose
  ├── frontend
  │   ├── app
  │   │   ├── mobile
  │   │   │   > React Native
  │   │   │   > iOS (Apple App Store)
  │   │   │   > Android (Google Play Store)
  │   │   │
  │   │   └── web
  │   │       > React
  │   │       > Single page application
  │   │       > PORT 5000
  │   │       >
  │   │
  │   └── landing
  │       > React
  │       > Server side rendered
  │       > PORT 3000
  │       >
  └── (you are here)



  • API
    • NodeJS
    • Express
  • Database
    • MongoDB
  • Proxy
    • NGINX


  • Landing

    • React
    • Next.js
    • Material UI
    • Server Side Rendering
  • Web

    • React
    • Redux
    • React Router
    • Material UI
  • Mobile (iOS, Android)

    • React Native
    • Redux
    • React Navigation


  • Technologies
    • Docker
    • Docker compose

Setup and Running

  • Prerequisites

    • Node (v10.x)
    • MongoDB (v4.x)
    • Xcode (for iOS) (latest)
    • Android Studio (for Android) (latest)
    • Follow React Native Guide to setup your local machine
  • Clone repository git clone [email protected]:prodev880110/fullstack-javascript-architecture.git fullstack

  • API

    • Info
      • Authentication strategy: JWT (JSON Web Token)
      • Current implementation uses RPC (Remote Procedure Call) for API endpoints (one endpoint URL, multiple operations) and can be easily replaced with REST.
      • Resources
    • Switch to api directory cd backend/api
    • Configuration
      • Create local environment file cp .env.local
      • Modify .env.local for
        • PORT (8000)
        • NODE_ENV (development | production)
        • SECURITY_SECRET (Use PasswordsGenerators)
        • MONGO_URL (mongodb://localhost:27017/example)
        • LANDING_URL (http://localhost:3000)
        • WEB_URL (http://localhost:5000)
        • API_URL (http://localhost:8000)
        • EMAIL_ON (0 | 1 (in development, you can toggle to send emails or not))
        • EMAIL_TEST (send test emails to this address)
        • EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_USER, EMAIL_PASSWORD (use any email service, eg. and get credentials to start sending emails
    • Setup
      • Install packages and seed database npm run setup
    • Run
  • Landing

    • Switch to landing directory cd frontend/landing
    • Configuration
      • Create local environment file cp .env.local
      • Modify .env.local for
        • PORT (3000)
        • NODE_ENV (development | production)
        • URL_LANDING (http://localhost:3000)
        • URL_WEB (http://localhost:5000)
        • URL_API (http://localhost:8000)
        • GA_TRACKING_ID (Google analytics tracking ID)
    • Setup
      • Install dependencies: npm install
    • Run
    • Resources
  • Web

    • Switch to web directory cd frontend/app/web
    • Configuration
      • Create local environment file cp .env.local
      • Modify .env.local for
        • PORT (5000)
        • REACT_APP_LANDING_URL (http://localhost:3000)
        • REACT_APP_WEB_URL (http://localhost:5000)
        • REACT_APP_API_URL (http://localhost:8000)
    • Setup
      • Install dependencies: npm install
    • Run
  • Deployment

    • Deploy code
      1. Login to the server (SSH)
      2. Create a new directory on server: mkdir /var/www/fullstack and switch to the directory cd /var/www/fullstack
      3. Clone repository git clone [email protected]:prodev880110/fullstack-javascript-architecture.git .
      4. Switch to deployment directory cd deployment
      5. Build containers docker-compose up --build -d
        • up = Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
        • --build = Build images before starting containers
        • -d = Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names
      6. Re-deploy with following steps:
        • Change directory cd /var/www/fullstack
        • Pull latest code git pull
        • Rebuild containers: docker-compose up --build -d
    • Resources
  • Mobile

    • Switch to mobile directory cd frontend/app/mobile
    • Configuration
      • Modify src/setup/config/env.js for
        • APP_ENV (development | production)
        • LANDING_URL (http://<your local network IP>:3000)
        • WEB_URL (http://<your local network IP>:5000)
        • API_URL (http://<your local network IP>:8000)
        • Tip: use ifconfig on macOS or Linux to get your local IP address
    • Setup
      • Install dependencies: npm install
    • Run
      • iOS react-native run-ios --simulator='iPhone 8'
      • Android react-native run-android (connect your Android phone via USB or use already created simulator with name Mobile_-_5 by running cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools && ./emulator -avd Mobile_-_5)
    • Publish
      • Android
        • Build: cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease && cd ...
        • Upload frontend/app/mobile/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk to Play Store.
      • iOS
        • Build: Open frontend/app/mobile/ios/example.xcodeproj in Xcode -> Choose Generic iOS Device (top left) -> Product (top menu) -> Archive.
        • Upload using Archiver (will open automatically once Archive is complete)
    • Resources


Landing Landing
Web Web
Mobile Mobile


Hire me

Looking for a developer to build your next idea or need a developer to work remotely? Get in touch: [email protected]


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Copyright (c) 2018 prodev880110

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