This project is built on the foundation of I’ve open-sourced my version and made significant improvements, including a complete cleanup of the original codebase. The initial implementation was highly disorganized—possibly by design—but I’ve restructured and optimized it for better clarity and maintainability. My goal is to keep this version continuously updated, enhanced, and user-friendly.
Download the Solr binary And make sure the json file is in jsonl format but the extension is json.
bin/post -c BigData sample.json
List of record types
- accuracy_radius
- address
- asn
- asnOrg
- autoBody
- autoClass
- autoMake
- autoModel
- autoYear
- bankAccountNumbers
- birthMonth
- birthYear
- birthday
- certifications
- city
- continent
- country
- creditExpiration
- creditNumber
- creditPin
- debitExpiration
- debitNumber
- debitPin
- dob
- domain
- emails
- ethnicity
- firstName
- gender
- income
- ips
- lastName
- latLong
- licenseNumber
- line
- links
- location
- middleName
- militaryID
- notes
- party
- passportNumber
- passwords
- phoneNumbers
- photos
- politicalAffiliation
- schoolsAttended
- source
- ssn
- state
- usernames
- vin
- zipCode