This project provides the source code of the Amsterdam IRMA demo website. It consists of a React frontend and NodeJS backend which is in charge of communicating with an IRMA server. A locally running IRMA server can be started with Docker Compose.
Make sure to configure the backend properly. By default it is configured to connect to the an IRMA server running on localhost:8080. To be able to connect you will need to create a public/private keypair.
mkdir -p .secrets
pushd .secrets
openssl genrsa -out private.key 4096
openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.crt
This project requires Node 14 to install packages. Use nvm (or similar) to switch to Node 14.
nvm use 14
pushd client; yarn; popd
pushd server; yarn; popd
To simply run the demo website and an IRMA server, run:
IRMA_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat .secrets/private.key) docker-compose up
To enable communication with the Yivi app, please specify the IRMA_SERVER_URL
IRMA_SERVER_URL=http://[your_local_ip]:8080 IRMA_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat .secrets/private.key) docker-compose up