- used openai api to built the thing
- first built a function to retrieve the responses from openai.
- used gradio to build the chatbot which displays it like a messaging app.
p.s : google, youtube and chatGPT helped me extensively, also the documentation of openai helped me write the code to retreive the responses. Learnt about gradio from youtube.
Also, since i dont know how to hide my api keys, everytime i upload my file to github, openai disables my api key, so i didnt write it here. Also gradio needs a different environment to be hosted, its called hugging face, so this is the link for it https://huggingface.co/spaces/prithvihehe/TheBotFather/tree/main
this is the link where my site is hosted: https://prithvihehe-thebotfather.hf.space
this is my video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h7BpE--wCwL0c0MuX7xYWYkQruhvucsQ/view?usp=sharing
lastly , i didnt know how to keep the chatbot avatar as a circle , so its just there, but elongates when the response is big