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Homebridge Time Triggers

Homebridge Time Triggers, by GrumpTech, is a Homebridge dynamic platform plug-in that publishes a motion sensor, where the motion detected is a time-based event.

Change Log

The change history can be viewed here

Security Policy

Please refer to our security policy for information on which versions are receiving security updates and how to report security vulnerabilities.


This plug-in is intended to be used with the homebridge-config-ui-x homebridge management tool. If using homebridge-config-ui-x, simply search for homebridge-grumptech-timetriggers for installation, plug-in management, and configuration.

To install the plugin manually:
npm install -g homebridge-grumptech-timetriggers



This plugin is best experienced when running as a module installed and managed by the homebridge-config-ui-x plugin. When running under homebridge-config-ui-x, visiting the plugin settings will allow you configure and manage the time-based triggers.
Additionally, especially if this system will be running other homebridge modules, it is strongly encouraged to run this plugin as an isolated child bridge. This setting page can be found by clicking on the wrench icon on the plugin and then selecting Bridge Settings. With the child bridge enabled, revisiting the setting page after homebridge is rebooted will show a QR code for pairing the child bridge to your Homekit home.

Configuration Settings

The plugin configuration consists of an array of objects containing the configuration for each trigger. The root name of the object containing this array is triggers.

Setting Description Field Name Parameter Type Data Type Units Default Minimum or Allowed Values Maximum Comments
Identifier Uniqie identifier for the trigger trigger_identifier Per Trigger String N/A Trigger Must be unique. Controls trigger and Homekit accessory mapping.
Type Type of trigger trigger_type Per Trigger Number N/A Timed (0) Timed (0), Scheduled(1)
Trip Duration The nminal time that a trigger reains in the tripped state. duration:nominal Per Trigger Number milliseconds 250 10
Trip Duration Tolerance The random time to apply to the trip duration duration:tolerance Per Trigger Number milliseconds 0 0 Allows for a random trip duration.
Trip Time The nominal time for a trigger timeout:nominal Per Trigger Number milliseconds 60000 1 Applies to Timed triggers only.
Trip Time Tolerance The random to apply to the trigger timeout:tolerance Per Trigger Number milliseconds 0 0 Applies to Timed triggers only.
Scheduled Trip Hour The nominal hour to schedule a trigger to trip time:nominal:hour Per Trigger Number Hour of the Day 12 0 23 Applies to Scheduled triggers only.
Scheduled Trip Minute The nominal minute to schedule a trigger to trip time:nominal:minute Per Trigger Number Minute of the Hour 0 0 59 Applies to Scheduled triggers only.
Scheduled Trip Hour Tolerance The tolarance to appply to the hour of a scheduled trigger time:tolerance:hour Per Trigger Number Hours 0 0 23 Applies to Scheduled triggers only.
Scheduled Trip Minute Tolerance The tolarance to appply to the minute of a scheduled trigger time:tolerance:minute Per Trigger Number Minutes 0 0 59 Applies to Scheduled triggers only.
Days to Trip Bitmask of the days to trip the trigger days Per Trigger Number 127 1 127 Applies to Scheduled triggers only.
1:Sunday, 2:Monday, 4:Tuesday, 8:Wednesday,
16:Thursday, 32:Friday, 64:Saturday
Is Astronomical Flag indicating that the scheduled trigger source is an astronomical event is_astronomical Per Trigger Boolean False True, False Applies to Scheduled triggers only
Astronomical Type Type of astronomical event astronomical_type Per Trigger String sunset moon_rise, moon_set, sunrise, sunset, twilight_end, twilight_start, lunar_transit, solar_transit Applies to Scheduled triggers only
Latitude Location latitude for the astronomical event location:latitude Per Trigger Number 0 -90 90 Applies to Scheduled triggers only
north-positive format
Longitude Location longitude for the astronomical event location:longitude Per Trigger Number 0 -180 180 Applies to Scheduled triggers only
east-positive format
Trip Limit Place a cap on the number of sequential trip events trip_limit Per Trigger Number 0 0 A value of 0 diables the limit and the trigger will re-arm indefinitely


The plugin will create, or restore, a dynamic accessory for each trigger specified in the configuration. Each accessory will advertise three services: (1) switch, (1) motion sensor, and (1) light sensor.

The control switch will enable/disable the trigger. The state of this setting is saved and will be restored to the last known state upon restart.
The motion sensor will report that motion is detected when the trigger is in the tripped state. Otherwise, there will be no motion detected.
The light sensor will be used to indicate the time, in minutes, until the next trigger event.
The time, in the local timezone, of the next trigger event will be published to the Accessory Information section of each accessory/service, under the Product Data field. However, at this time, the homebridge-config-ui-x i the only known way to view the data.

The plugin supports an option to configue scheduled triggers to be based on astronomical events. The supported events are: sunrise, sunset, twilight start, twilight end, moon rise, moon set, solar transit, lunar transit. The plugin determines the time of these events by using the API proviced by the United States Naval Observatory. When issuing these querries, the plugin with tag the requests with the identifier gt_trigr. The plugin only uses the configured location (latitude, longitude) solely for the purppose of querring for the astronomical events.

Some example use cases are:

  1. Use the Scheduled Trigger to control lights that turn on/off randomly within a user specified window to give the appearance of being home when you are away on holiday.
  2. Use the Timed Trigger with a limit of 1 to provide the capability of delayed control of various accessories. For example to turn the lighs off in 30 minutes.

Known Issues and Planned Enhancements

Refer to the bugs and enhancements listed here


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature/fix branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


Many thanks to all the folks contributing to Homebridge and to oznu for homebridge-config-ui-x, allowing for the possibility of this sort of fun and learning.


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