This is the repo for the Forum.
The forum site uses Lando for local development. Here is how to get started:
- If you don't have Lando, download it: Get Lando
- Fork this repository into your own GitHub account
- Download with git:
git clone [email protected]:[YOUR_USERNAME]/
- Move into the project root:
- Start Lando
lando start
- Download and import the DB
lando pull-db
- Download and import the files
lando pull-files
The database and files come from This site is protected by a username and password. You can request the credentials via Zulip.
- Pick an issue from:
- Create a branch to work on
git checkout -b ISSUENUMBER/briefDescriptor
- Replace ISSUENUMBER with your issue number
- Replace briefDescriptor w/ a description of your issue (no spaces)
- Do your work on your branch
- Add and commit your files
- Push up your branch
git push origin ISSUENUMBER/briefDescription
- Submit a PR via the GitHub web UI
- Link your PR in the original issue
- Label the issue as
has PR
- Request review by commenting on the issue and 'at' tagging the person(s) that started the issue
- Label the issue as