This is fcitx (input method) control script for Vim with imactivefunc / imstatusfunc.
Vim script of this plugin is based on vim-uim-ctrl-imaf.vim and c-lang part is based on fcitx-remote.
(vim-uim-ctrl-imaf.vim is based on uim-ctl and uim-ctlso.)
$ cd ~/.vim/<path to plugin dir> $ git clone
$ sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev fcitx-libs-dev $ cd ~/.vim/<path to plugin dir>/vim-fcitx-ctl $ make
Setting of fcitx
echo 'FCITX_NO_PREEDIT_APPS=""' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
Setting of vim and vim-plug
set imstyle=1 set iminsert=2 Plug 'presuku/vim-fcitx-ctl'
All scripts are distributed under one of the Vim, MIT or BSD licenses.