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Android Architecture Blueprints

Stable samples - Java

Sample Description
todo‑mvp Demonstrates a basic Model‑View‑Presenter (MVP) architecture and provides a foundation on which the other samples are built. This sample also acts as a reference point for comparing and contrasting the other samples in this project.
todo‑mvp‑clean Uses concepts from Clean Architecture.
todo‑mvp‑dagger Uses Dagger 2 to add support for dependency injection.
todo‑mvp‑rxjava Uses RxJava 2 to implement concurrency, and abstract the data layer.
todo‑mvvm‑databinding Based on the todo-databinding sample, this version incorporates the Model‑View‑ViewModel pattern.
todo‑mvvm‑live Uses ViewModels and LiveData from Architecture Components and the Data Binding library with an MVVM architecture.

Stable samples - Kotlin

Sample Description
todo-mvp-kotlin Conversion of todo-mvp to Kotlin.
todo-mvvm-live-kotlin Conversion of todo-mvvm-live to Kotlin.

External samples

External samples are variants that may not be in sync with the rest of the branches in this repository.

Sample Description
todo‑mvp‑fragmentless Uses View objects instead of Fragment objects.
todo‑mvp‑conductor Uses the Conductor framework to refactor the app to use a single Activity architecture.
todo‑mvi-rxjava Adapts the Model-View-Intent pattern to Android to create a fully reactive architecture.
todo‑mvp-kotlin-coroutines Replaces the asynchronous operations with Kotlin's coroutines.

Deprecated samples

These samples are no longer being maintained, but their implementation is still valid.

Sample Description
todo‑mvp‑loaders Fetches data using the Loaders API.
todo‑databinding Replaced by todo‑mvvm‑databinding
todo‑mvp‑contentproviders Based on the todo-mvp-loaders sample, this version fetches data using the Loaders API, and also makes use of content providers.

Samples in progress

Sample Description
dev‑todo‑mvvm‑rxjava Based on the todo-rxjava sample, this version incorporates the Model‑View‑ViewModel pattern.