Dotfiles for my current setup.
- i3: I have been using this config for past 2 years.
- symlink to ~/.config/i3/config
- conky: Have not used since 3 years so need to check it.
- locks: Not used this script recently but looks workable.
- polybar: Don't use it in my current setup to save screen real estate.
- Will configure this if I use polybar in future.
- I will let it stay here as a reminder.
- rofi: Need to add the current setup rofi config and command.
- tmux: This is my daily use tmux config.
- symlink to ~/.tmux.conf
- scripts: A collection of scripts which I have accumulated but not used
- Will give these a go whenever I do a new i3 setup.
- Letting it stay here as a reminder.
- alacritty: Add a basic alacritty yml config.
- symlink to ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
- Just started using alacritty.
- This will evolve as we move forward.