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This is simple microservices architecture with omdb service(nodejs), auth service(golang) and various other tools like zipkin, apigateway, etc

There are three methods of validating json tokens by changing JWT_VALIDATION for imdb service.

  • JWT_VALIDATION=self then imdb service will validate token by itself.


  • JWT_VALIDATION=grpc then grpc client in imdb service will pass token to grpc server in auth service for validation.


  • JWT_VALIDATION if anything other than "self" and "grpc" then api gateway will validate token for all the services


Local dev using docker compose

  1. docker-compose build

  2. docker-compose up

Note: change image: pram25/image_name to your docker repository and run "docker-compose push" so that images cn be pulled in further process(kubernetes)

Local kubernetes using minikube

  1. Install kubeseal
wget -O kubeseal

sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal
  1. Install sealed-secrets controller
kubectl apply -f
  1. Seal all secret files
kubeseal --format yaml < original_secret_file.yml > sealed_secret_file.yaml

when you excecute above commands your kubernet cluster should be up and running, all this sealed secrets can only be decrypted by sealed-secrets-contoller which originally sealed it, so never include sealed-secrets-contoller as in cloud build.

Deploy to GCP

  1. create cluster

  2. install sealed-secret-controller and seal the secrets using cloud shell or glcoud. Follow step 1, 2 and 3 from "Local kubernetes using minikube"

Note: original secret files should never be comitted to git.

  1. Install ingress-nginx as load balancer
  kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

  kubectl apply -f

  kubectl apply -f
  1. Now deploy your k8s

Note: cloudbuild.xml does not build dockers while deploying to kubernetes, so it is important to build manully and pushing to your dockerhub repository ("docker-compose push"). to automate deployment refer

docker_custom_init -> init-mongo.js is for creating default admin user and this code only demonstrates for development not production. "user" and "pwd" should be same as MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD So if at all it is used in production the there is need for process of hiding "user" and "pwd"

ADMIN_EMAIL and ADMIN_PASSWORD is seed user for auth service, using which you can login to application for the first time.

POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB used by postgres container to create user should be same as in POSTGRES_DB_URL used by user(auth) service

OMDB_API_KEY can be obtained from