This package provides helper method to create Philote authentication tokens as well as a client to connect to and interact with a Philote instance.
To connect to Philote you'll first have to create an authorization token describing the connection permissions and salted with the secret shared between your consuming application and the Philote server.
package main
func main() {
token, _ := philote.NewToken(
[]string{"read-channel-1", "read-channel-2", "read-write-channel"},
[]string{"write-channel", "read-write-channel"}
You can safely use this token from your browser-based Philtoe client or any other application.
The Client
struct implements convenience methods to interact with a Philote server.
c, _ := NewClient("ws://localhost:6380", "yourAuthToken")
// Publish a message to a given channel
Channel: "test-channel",
Data: "You can encode any kind of payload here, it'll be received by subscribers",
// Basic receiving of messages
message, _ := c.Receive()
message.Data //=> "Hello! I come from another Philote connection"
// You can also create a Go channel that receives the client's messages for
// a more idiomatic usage.
messages := c.NewPhilote()
m := <- messages
m.Data //=> "this is yet another message coming from beyond (the local network)"
Released under MIT License, check LICENSE file for details.