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Comic/manga/webtoon downloader and CBZ/EPUB/MOBI/PDF converter


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Mandown is a comic downloader and a CBZ, EPUB, MOBI, and/or PDF converter. It also supports image post-processing to make them more readable on certain devices similarly to Kindle Comic Converter.


  • Download comics from supported sites
    • Supports downloading a range of chapters
    • Supports multithreaded downloading
  • Process downloaded images
    • Rotate or split double-page spreads
    • Trim borders
    • Resize images
  • Convert downloaded comics to CBZ, EPUB, MOBI, or PDF
    • Convert any other CBZ, EPUB, MOBI, or PDF comic to CBZ, EPUB, MOBI, or PDF
  • A library to easily do all of this from other Python scripts


Run mandown --help or see the docs for more information and examples.

mandown get <URL>

To convert the downloaded contents to CBZ/EPUB/MOBI/PDF, append the --convert option. To apply image processing to the downloaded images, append the --process option.

mandown get <URL> --convert epub --process rotate_double_pages

To download only a certain range of chapters, append the --start and/or --end options.

Note: --start and --end are inclusive, i.e., using --start 2 --end 3 will download chapters 2 and 3.

To convert an existing folder or comic file without downloading anything (like a stripped-down version of, use the convert command.

mandown convert <FORMAT> <PATH_TO_COMIC>

To process an existing folder without downloading anything, use the process command.


Where PROCESS_OPERATIONS is an option found from running mandown process --help.


Install the package from PyPI:

pip3 install mandown

Install the optional large dependencies for some features of Mandown:

# graphical interface (GUI)
pip3 install PySide6

Arch Linux users may also install the package from the AUR:

git clone
makepkg -si

Or, to build from source:

Mandown uses poetry for dependency management.

git clone
poetry install
poetry build
pip3 install dist/mandown*.whl

Supported sites

To request a new site, please file a new issue.

Basic library usage

See the docs for more information and examples.

To just download the images:

import mandown"")

To download and convert to EPUB:

import mandown

comic = mandown.query("")
mandown.convert(comic, title=comic.metadata.title, to="epub")