Hardware: At least 16 Gb RAM, 4 CPUs, 50 Gb disk space
- under Preferences > Resources > Advanced set the memory limit to at least 12 Gb
OS settings for elasticsearch:
- Linux only: elasticsearch needs higher-than-default virtual memory settings. To adjust this, run
echo ' vm.max_map_count=262144 ' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
This will prevent elasticsearch start up error:
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
The steps below describe how to create a new empty seqr instance with a single Admin user account.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/populationgenomics/seqr/master/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d seqr # start up the seqr docker image in the background after also starting other components it depends on (postgres, redis, elasticsearch). This may take 10+ minutes.
docker compose logs -f seqr # (optional) continuously print seqr logs to see when it is done starting up or if there are any errors. Type Ctrl-C to exit from the logs.
docker compose exec seqr python manage.py createsuperuser # create a seqr Admin user
open http://localhost # open the seqr landing page in your browser. Log in to seqr using the email and password from the previous step
Updating your local installation of seqr involves pulling the latest version of the seqr docker container, and then recreating the container.
# run this from the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d seqr
docker compose logs -f seqr # (optional) continuously print seqr logs to see when it is done starting up or if there are any errors. Type Ctrl-C to exit from the logs.
To update reference data in seqr, such as OMIM, HPO, etc., run the following
docker compose exec seqr ./manage.py update_all_reference_data --use-cached-omim --skip-gencode
Google Dataproc makes it easy to start a spark cluster which can be used to parallelize annotation across many machines. The steps below describe how to annotate a callset and then load it into your on-prem elasticsearch instance.
authenticate into your google cloud account.
gcloud auth application-default login
upload your .vcf.gz callset to a google bucket
GS_BUCKET=gs://your-bucket # your google bucket GS_FILE_PATH=data/GRCh38 # the desired file path. Good to include build version and/ or sample type to directory structure FILENAME=your-callset.vcf.gz # the local file you want to load gsutil cp $FILENAME $GS_BUCKET/$GS_FILE_PATH
start a pipeline-runner container which has the necessary tools and environment for starting and submitting jobs to a Dataproc cluster.
docker compose up -d pipeline-runner # start the pipeline-runner container
if you haven't already, upload reference data to your own google bucket. This should be done once per build version, and does not need to be repeated for subsequent loading jobs. This is expected to take a while
BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 docker compose exec pipeline-runner copy_reference_data_to_gs.sh $BUILD_VERSION $GS_BUCKET
Periodically, you may want to update the reference data in order to get the latest versions of these annotations. To do this, run the following commands to update the data. All subsequently loaded data will then have the updated annotations, but you will need to re-load previously loaded projects to get the updated annotations.
GS_BUCKET=gs://your-bucket # your google bucket BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 # Update clinvar gsutil rm -r "${GS_BUCKET}/reference_data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" gsutil rsync -r "gs://seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" "${GS_BUCKET}/reference_data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" # Update all other reference data gsutil rm -r "${GS_BUCKET}/reference_data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" gsutil rsync -r "gs://seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/all_reference_data/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" "${GS_BUCKET}/reference_data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht"
run the loading command in the pipeline-runner container. Adjust the arguments as needed
BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 SAMPLE_TYPE=WES # can be WES or WGS INDEX_NAME=your-dataset-name # the desired index name to output. Will be used later to link the data to the corresponding seqr project INPUT_FILE_PATH=/${GS_FILE_PATH}/${FILENAME} docker compose exec pipeline-runner load_data_dataproc.sh $BUILD_VERSION $SAMPLE_TYPE $INDEX_NAME $GS_BUCKET $INPUT_FILE_PATH
Annotating a callset with VEP and reference data can be very slow - as slow as several variants / sec per CPU, so although it is possible to run the pipeline on a single machine, it is recommended to use multiple machines.
The steps below describe how to annotate a callset and then load it into your on-prem elasticsearch instance.
create a directory for your vcf files. docker-compose will mount this directory into the pipeline-runner container.
mkdir ./data/input_vcfs/ FILE_PATH=GRCh38 # the desired file path. Good to include build version and/ or sample type to directory structure FILENAME=your-callset.vcf.gz # the local file you want to load. vcfs should be bgzip'ed cp $FILENAME ./data/input_vcfs/$FILE_PATH
start a pipeline-runner container
docker compose up -d pipeline-runner # start the pipeline-runner container
authenticate into your google cloud account. This is required for hail to access buckets hosted on gcloud.
docker compose exec pipeline-runner gcloud auth application-default login
if you haven't already, download VEP and other reference data to the docker image's mounted directories. This should be done once per build version, and does not need to be repeated for subsequent loading jobs. This is expected to take a while
BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 docker compose exec pipeline-runner download_reference_data.sh $BUILD_VERSION
Periodically, you may want to update the reference data in order to get the latest versions of these annotations. To do this, run the following commands to update the data. All subsequently loaded data will then have the updated annotations, but you will need to re-load previously loaded projects to get the updated annotations.
BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 # Update clinvar docker compose exec pipeline-runner rm -rf "/seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" docker compose exec pipeline-runner gsutil rsync -r "gs://seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" "/seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/clinvar.GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" # Update all other reference data docker compose exec pipeline-runner rm -rf "/seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" docker compose exec pipeline-runner gsutil rsync -r "gs://seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/all_reference_data/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht" "/seqr-reference-data/GRCh${BUILD_VERSION}/combined_reference_data_grch${BUILD_VERSION}.ht"
run the loading command in the pipeline-runner container. Adjust the arguments as needed
BUILD_VERSION=38 # can be 37 or 38 SAMPLE_TYPE=WES # can be WES or WGS INDEX_NAME=your-dataset-name # the desired index name to output. Will be used later to link the data to the corresponding seqr project INPUT_FILE_PATH=${FILE_PATH}/${FILENAME} docker compose exec pipeline-runner load_data.sh $BUILD_VERSION $SAMPLE_TYPE $INDEX_NAME $INPUT_FILE_PATH
After the dataset is loaded into elasticsearch, it can be added to your seqr project with these steps:
- Go to the project page
- Click on Edit Datasets
- Enter the elasticsearch index name (the
argument you provided at loading time), and submit the form.
To make .bam/.cram files viewable in the browser through igv.js, see ReadViz Setup Instructions
Currently, seqr has a preliminary integration for RNA data, which requires the use of publicly available pipelines run outside of the seqr platform. After these pipelines are run, the output must be annotated with metadata from seqr to ensure samples are properly associated with the correct seqr families. After calling is completed, it can be added to seqr from the "Data Management" > "Rna Seq" page. You will need to provide the file path for the data and the data type. Note that the file path can either be a gs:// path to a google bucket or as a local file any of the volumes specified in the docker-compose file. The following data types are supported:
seqr accepts normalized expression TPMs from STAR or RNAseqQC. TSV files should have the following columns:
- sample_id
- project
- gene_id
- tissue
seqr accepts gene expression outliers from OUTRIDER. TSV files should have the following columns:
- sampleID
- geneID
- pValue
- padjust
- zScore
Splice junctions (.junctions.bed.gz) and coverage (.bigWig) can be visualized in seqr using IGV. See ReadViz Setup Instructions for instructions on adding this data, as the process is identical for all IGV tracks.