This code should be seen as deprecated until updated, will probably not work correctly with newer versions of Uguu.
Admin panel for Uguu and Pomf which makes it easier to remove and blacklist files.
- Information about number of files uploaded & storage used.
- Search files uploaded by hash/filename/etc.
- Blacklist or delete files.
- Blacklist or delete all files related to IP.
- Search and manage blacklist database.
More features such as settings will come in a later release.
First of all you will need a working Uguu/Pomf installation set up, after that it's rather easy.
You need to run the latest version of Uguu/Pomf for this panel to work since it introduced some DB changes!
git clone
//define('MOE_DB_CONN', 'mysql:unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock;dbname=pomf');
define('MOE_DB_CONN', 'sqlite:/path/to/your/uguu/or/pomf/db.sq3');
* PDO database login credentials
/** @param string POMF_DB_NAME Database username */
define('MOE_DB_USER', null);
/** @param string POMF_DB_PASS Database password */
define('MOE_DB_PASS', null);
* 'MOE_ROOT' - Root location for the Moe Panel
* 'FILES_ROOT' - Location where uploaded files for Uguu/Pomf are stored
* 'PU_NAME' - Pomf/uguu instance name
* 'PU_ADDRESS' - Pomf/uguu address/[sub]domain
* 'PU_URL' - URL where Pomf/Uguu serves files from
* 'MOE_URL' - URL for Moe Panel
define('MOE_ROOT', '/var/www/moepanel/');
define('FILES_ROOT', '/var/www/files/');
define('PU_NAME', 'Uguu');
define('PU_ADDRESS', '');
define('PU_SERVE_URL', '');
define('MOE_URL', '');
echo $lol;
php gen_pw.php
cd /path/to/moe
sqlite3 /var/www/db/your_pomf_db.sq3
INSERT INTO accounts VALUES(1,'[email protected]','PASSWORD_HASH_FROM_ABOVE',1);
Then configure your webserver and PHP to serve from dist/ and you're good to go!