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Yet another minimal linux distribution, based on Arch Linux.

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Get The ISO

1. Download - You can either download already generated ISO file, or...


2. Build ISO - If you're already using archlinux & want to build the iso, maybe with your config then...

Check list

  • archiso version : 54-1
  • At least 10GB of free space
  • Arch Linux 64-bit only
  • Clear pacman cache; sudo pacman -Scc
  • Open terminal and clone the archcraft repository.
git clone --depth=1
  • Change to the archcraft directory & run
cd archcraft
chmod +x
  • Now, Change to the iso directory & run as root.
cd iso
sudo su
./ -v
  • If everything goes well, you'll have the ISO in iso/out directory.

If you want to Rebuild the ISO, remove work & out dirs inside iso directory first. then run ./ -v as root. You don't need to run again, it's a one time process only.

Boot The ISO

1. Using GRUB - If you're already using a linux distro with grub, then you can add following entry in your grub.cfg file, Replace X with your partition number, and /path/to/archcraft.iso with ISO path.

menuentry "Archcraft Live ISO" --class archcraft {
    set root='(hd0,X)'
    set isofile="/path/to/archcraft.iso"
    set dri="free"
    search --no-floppy -f --set=root $isofile
    probe -u $root --set=abc
    set pqr="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$abc"
    loopback loop $isofile
    linux  (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz-linux img_dev=$pqr img_loop=$isofile driver=$dri quiet splash vt.global_cursor_default=0 loglevel=2 rd.systemd.show_status=false rd.udev.log-priority=3 sysrq_always_enabled=1 cow_spacesize=2G
    initrd  (loop)/arch/boot/intel-ucode.img (loop)/arch/boot/amd-ucode.img (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/initramfs-linux.img

2. Using dd - Alternatively, you can use dd command to make a bootable USB_Drive/SDcard, Just open the terminal and...

sudo su
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/archcraft.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync

3. Using Etcher - If you use Windows, or maybe linux but afraid of dd, then you can use Etcher to make a bootable USB/SDcard.


  • Default username and password is liveuser.
  • After installing Archcraft, run sudo pacman -Syy to sync pacman database.
  • If polybar is not showing some icons properly, run ~/.config/polybar/ to fix Battery & Network Modules.
  • You need to enable os-prober for Archcraft to detect other installed OS. Edit /etc/default/grub file and uncomment #GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false, then run sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to regenerate grub config file.
  • Update the lockscreen according to your screen resolution with betterlockscreen -u /usr/share/backgrounds/wal_10.jpg if it's messed up.


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