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📋 useClipboard

The useClipboard function is a custom hook in TypeScript that allows you to copy text to the

The useClipboard function returns an object with three properties: copied, error, and copyToClipboard.

  • copyToClipboard is a function and you have to pass value that you want to copy

  • copied will be boolean and it will return back to false after 2 seconds

  • error will throw if there's any


import { useClipboard } from "@poiler/utils";

export default function App() {
  const { copied, copyToClipboard, error } = useClipboard();

  return (
      {copied && "Coppied to clipboard ✅"}
      {error && "Something went wrong ❌"}

        onClick={() => {
          copyToClipboard("Content that you want to copy");
        Copy text

⌚ useDebounce

The useDebounce hook returns a debounced version of the original function.


func: A function that you want to debounce.

delay: delay in milliseconds to debounced function run


import { useDebounce } from "@poiler/utils";
import { ChangeEvent } from "react";

export default function App() {
  function handleChange(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {

  async function handleSearch(query: string) {
    await fetch(`${query}`);

  const debouncedOpration = useDebounce(handleSearch, 500);

  return (
      <input onChange={handleChange} type="text" />

⏬ useScrollPosition

The useScrollPosition hook returns the current scroll position of the window.


import {useScrollPosition} from '@poiler/utils'

export default function App() {
	const scrolledPosition = useScrollPosition()

	return <>{scrolledPosition > 100 ? <StickeyNav /> : <NormalNav />}</>

⌨️ useKeyPress


The useKeyPress hook accepts the following parameters:

key : A string representing a single key or an array of strings representing multiple keys to listen for. The available key values can be found in the KeyboardEventKey interface.

callback : A function to be executed when the key press criteria are met.

modifiers : (optional) An object specifying additional modifier keys to be pressed along with the specified key. The available modifier keys are:

  • altKey (default: false): Set to true to require the Alt key to be pressed.

  • ctrlKey (default: false): Set to true to require the Ctrl key to be pressed.

  • metaKey (default: false): Set to true to require the Meta/Command key to be pressed.

  • shiftKey (default: false): Set to true to require the Shift key to be pressed.


import {useKeyPress} from '@poiler/utils'
import {useState} from 'react'

export default function App() {
	const [showPopup, setShowPopup] = useState(false)

	useKeyPress('Escape', () => {

	return <>{showPopup && <Popup />}</>

⬆️ useFileUploader

The useFileUploader hook to upload files to the server with progress tracking functionality is using the XHR request method under the hood.


The useFileUploader hook returns you this uploadFile and progress.

The uploadFile function will accept the following parameters:

url : endpoint to the server where you want to upload the file

file : You have to pass File as Blob | File type

options : You can provide additional options like authentication headers and content type, etc... in this format. { Authorization: 'Bearer xzy',contentType:"multipart/form"}


import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useFileUploader } from "@poiler/utils";

export default function Home() {
  const [file, setFile] = useState<File | null>(null);
  const { progress, uploadFile } = useFileUploader();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!file) return;
    uploadFile("", file as File, {
      Authorization: "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN",
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((err) => {
  }, [file]);

  return (
        onChange={(e) => {
          setFile( &&[0]);
      <Progress percentage={progress} />

👁️ useInputFocusRef

This is a custom hook in TypeScript that sets focus on an input element when it mounts.

import { useInputFocusRef } from "@poiler/utils";

export default function App() {
  const focusedInput = useInputFocusRef();

  return (
      <input ref={focesedInput} type="text" />

🪟 useWindowClick

The useWindowClick hook allows you to execute a callback function when a click event occurs outside of a specific component.

  • Make sure to stopPropagation() on child component to avoid side Effects
import {useWindowClick} from '@poiler/utils'
import {useState} from 'react'

export default function App() {
	const [showPopup, setShowPopup] = useState(false)

	useWindowClick(() => {

	return <>{showPopup && <Popup />}</>

🌐 useFetchData

The useFetchData function is a custom hook in TypeScript that fetches data from an API, handles loading and error states, and returns the data, loading state, and error object.


The useFetchData hook accepts the following parameter:

url (string) : The URL from which to fetch the data.


The useFetchData hook returns an object with the following properties:

data : The fetched data from the specified URL. It is initially set to null and gets updated once the data is successfully fetched.

loading : A boolean value indicating whether the data is currently being fetched. It is initially set to false and becomes true during the fetch process.

error : An object containing an error message if the data fetching encounters an error. It is initially set to null and gets updated with an error object if an error occurs.


import { useFetchData } from "@poiler/utils";

export default function App() {
  const { data, loading, error } = useFetchData("");

  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;

  return <div>{data}</div>;

Utility Functions

🔠 capitalizeString

The function capitalizeString takes a string as input and returns the same string with the first letter capitalized.


string - The parameter "string" is a string value that represents the input string that needs to be capitalized.


import {capitalizeString} from '@poiler/utils'

const smallString = 'hello'

const capitalizedString = capitalizeString(smallString)

// Hello

⌛ delay

The delay function returns a promise that resolves after a specified can be used to add custom delay to any function.


duration:number - The duration parameter is a number that represents the amount of time in milliseconds that the delay should last.


import {delay} from '@poiler/utils'

async function main() {

 await delay(2000) // Delay for 2 seconds

 console.log('After delay')


🆔 generateId

The generateId generates a random alphanumeric ID.


import {generateId} from '@poiler/utils'

const id = generateId()

// y035svtpglgvo7sxiwel7

🔢 randomNumber

The function randomNumber generates a random number between a specified minimum and maximum value.


min : number - The minimum value that the random number can be. If no value is provided, the default minimum value is 0.

max:number - The max parameter is the maximum value that the random number can be. By default, it is set to 99999.


import {randomNumber} from '@poiler/utils'

const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape', 'kiwi']

const randomFruit = pickRandomFromArray(fruits)
console.log(`Picked a random fruit: ${randomFruit}`)