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Poietic Generator



First, make sure you have a proper git, ruby & rubygems installation on your system.

If not, install them with :

$ sudo apt-get install git-core ruby ruby-dev  

Then checkout the sources from the public repository :

$ git clone


We strongly recommand using a ruby environment wrapper like rbenv.

If not, you can try installing bundler with:

$ gem install bundle

Then, install headers packages required to build some gems :

$ sudo apt-get install make libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev g++

Finally, from the project directory, run the following command to install locally into the "vendor/bundle" directory the gems required by this project and all their dependencies :

$ bundle install


Copy config/config.ini.example to config/config.ini then edit it to your needs.

If you intend to run the server without docker (or any other setup providing a database) you may need to install the database system locally

$ sudo apt-get install apache phpmyadmin mysql-server-5.5

Create a tmp directory locally. It will be use by the devel-script to run the service.

Running the server

Simply type the following command, from the project directory :

$ bundle exec foreman start

Command-line interface

Listing sessions

$ bundle exec poietic-cli list

Starting a new session

$ bundle exec poietic-cli create

Generating a video

$ bundle exec poietic-cli sequence 10 tmp/vid1
$ bundle exec poietic-cli video tmp/vid1 tmp/vid1.mp4 -outsize 640:-1

Other commands

$ bundle exec poietic-cli help
  poietic-cli create [-n NAME]                      # Start a new session
  poietic-cli delete (-a | ID)                      # Delete session ID
  poietic-cli finish ID                             # Finish a session
  poietic-cli help [COMMAND]                        # Describe available commands or one specific command
  poietic-cli list                                  # List all session
  poietic-cli range ID                              # Duration of session ID
  poietic-cli rename ID NEWLABEL                    # Rename a group
  poietic-cli sequence ID DIRECTORY                 # Dump a sequence of snapshots in session ID between OFFSET_START and...
  poietic-cli shapshot ID OFFSET FILENAME [FACTOR]  # Dump snapshot in session ID at OFFSET and save it in FILENAME
  poietic-cli video DIRECTORY FILENAME [-outfps v]  # Create a video from a DIRECTORY with FPS (using FFMPEG) and save it...


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Got questions? Need help? Tweet at @glenux.

Contributors :


Poietic Generator Reloaded is Copyright © 2011-2013 Gnuside. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


API Server for the Poietic Generator probe – Ruby + Sinatra implementation







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