Simple terminal application based on Brick, plots Pprzlink message data from Ivy bus.
- you need to install GHC and Cabal
- run with
cabal new-run haskell-plotter -- $SOME_ARGUMENTS
Haskell Ivy plotter
Usage: haskell-plotter (-m|--message MESSAGE) (-n|--name NAME) [-p|--period T]
[-i|--field INDEX]
Plots data from Ivy bus in terminal. For example: haskell-plotter -m
TELEMETRY_STATUS -n ping_time -p 1.0 -i 11
Available options:
-m,--message MESSAGE Pprzlink message name
-n,--name NAME Display name of the variable
-p,--period T Refresh period in seconds
-i,--field INDEX Index of the variable in a given message
-h,--help Show this help text
In this example, we want to show the ping time
message. The message on Ivy bus looks like this:
ground TELEMETRY_STATUS 1 -1 0.019837 3979054 142328 705.0 1671 2 1669 0 716 25.77'
- Look at Pprzlink's messages.xml and find
<message name="TELEMETRY_STATUS" id="32">
Datalink status reported by Server for the GCS
Combines DATLINK_REPORT (telemetry class) and LINK_REPORT (ground class)
<field name="ac_id" type="string"/>
<field name="link_id" type="string"/>
<field name="time_since_last_msg" type="float" unit="s"/>
<field name="rx_bytes" type="uint32"/>
<field name="rx_msgs" type="uint32"/>
<field name="rx_bytes_rate" type="float" format="%.1f" unit="bytes/s"/>
<field name="tx_msgs" type="uint32"/>
<field name="uplink_lost_time" type="uint32" unit="s"/>
<field name="uplink_msgs" type="uint16"/>
<field name="downlink_msgs" type="uint16"/>
<field name="downlink_rate" type="uint16" unit="bytes/s"/>
<field name="ping_time" type="float" format="%.2f" unit="ms"/>
- The message name is
. - Now we need to find the index of
. Counting from top, we know that is is the 11-th field (we use 0-indexing). Hence-i 11
- Name of the variable is
, hence-n "ping time"
- Optionally we can specify the update period in seconds (default is 1.0 s):
-t 5
- Putting it all togerther we have:
$ cabal new-run haskell-plotter -- -m TELEMETRY_STATUS -n ping_time -p 5.0 -i 11