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Code Documentation

Pavan Balaji edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Documenting the code

Below is an example of code documentation:

 * \brief creates a vector layout
 * \param[in]  count        Number of blocks in the vector
 * \param[in]  blocklength  Length of each block
 * \param[in]  stride       Increment from the start of one block to another
 *                          (represented in terms of the count of the oldtype)
 * \param[in]  oldtype      Base datatype forming each element in the vector
 * \param[out] newtype      Final generated type
int yaksa_create_vector(int count, int blocklength, int stride, yaksa_type_t oldtype,
                        yaksa_type_t * newtype);

You can find commands for doxygen in here. Although you can add a brief description in the header file, it is recommended to put detailed code documentation in the source file.

Generating doxygen documents

Doxygen documents are not automatically generated when Yaksa is built. When you need doxygen documents, use the following in the top-level directory:

$ make doxygen

Generated documents will be located in doc/doxygen.

Current snapshot

The following link shows the doxygen html generated from the current git repository.