This library is an API for the Stellar network. It uses websocket to provide synchronous and asynchronous access. Currently requires eclipse to build.
This is very much a work in progress, contributions are welcomed.
- Pure Java implementation, from scratch
- Websocket support, can subscribe to stellard events
- Full binary read/write of the stellar wire format
- Offline signing
- HTTP REST support
- Address generation
- Uses Java futures for multi-threading ease
How to send 10 STR to the JStellarAPI project, the simplest way possible.
File testWalletFile = new File("myUnEncryptedWallet.wallet");
StellarSeedAddress seed = new StellarSeedAddress("sXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
StellarWallet wallet = StellarWallet.createWallet(seed, testWalletFile);
wallet.sendSTR(BigInteger.TEN, new StellarAddress("gB2ZjFkenMnZLGZHEckAXn7xzTpn1omFti"));