This version is compatible with GLPI 9.4.5 or later and GLPI 9.5
Bug Fixes
- modal positionning (a0e0873f)
- condition: duplicated JS function (acbe985b)
- confition: hide garbage conditions (8810cd68)
- filefield: broken mandatory check (f70a8472)
- form: bad session var type when using anonymous form (9d43e80f)
- form: doubling starcauses SQL error (41101ca1)
- form: error in displayed form URL (d21c5b3a)
- form: forbid clone massive action in GLPI 9.5 (2947d6f6)
- form: prevent SQL errors, remove natural language search (2eabddf5)
- form_profile: HTML form name mismatch (f201f37a)
- form_profile: not rendered selection of profiles (1c0d27d5)
- formanswer: do not render section title if invisible (6bb6be33)
- formanswer: missing validation checks when user updates a refused form (788ac89c)
- issue: adjust ticket status n automatic action (397a9127)
- issue: repopulate table on upgrade (90727ae2)
- issue: status conversion for ticket (9aae13d0)
- issue: syncissues drops most requesters (1fa10c82)
- issue: validated ticket status (24dacd2a)
- question: parameters duplicated twice (e6889cc0)
- section: order of sections not respected on import (e9bf84b7)
- target: load all tag questions (bbcfc8a5)
- targetchange: do not geenrate HTML for simple text fields (2d7a5f68)
- targetchange: prevent SQL escaping bug (c88cb991)
- targetticket: last valid category ignored visibility state (f6e09f09)
- targetticket,targetchange: too many escaping on target_name (fcfbed98)
- question,section: show conditions count (dd22ca02)