Mobilipy is a mobility analysis package that lets you identify complete trip information (meaning segmentation into trips and activities, mode detection as well as home and work location detection) from raw GPS data. It also enables working with GTFS data. In addition to that, it proposes two ways to make the data more private.
For more information refer to the official documentation.
A simple demo app developed with Streamlit is available at this link.
pip install mobilipy
Below is an example usage of the pipeline:
from mobilipy import gtfs_helper, legs, mode_detection, poi_detection, plot, preparation, privacy, segmentation, waypointsdataframe
w_df = waypointsdataframe.WaypointsDataFrame(data)
df_prepared = preparation.prepare(w_df)
segments_detected = segmentation.segment(df_prepared)
segments_modes_detected = mode_detection.mode_detection(segments_detected)
legs_user = legs.get_user_legs(segments_modes_detected, user_id)
home_location, work_location = poi_detection.detect_home_work(legs_user, df_prepared)
obfuscated_df, shifted_home, shifted_work = privacy.obfuscate(w_df, [home, work])
aggregated_data = privacy.aggregate(w_df)