Splitastic is an open source self hosted chores/expenses splitting app, an alternative to those ad cluttered apps like Flatastic, HomeSlice or FlatMate.
The app can be used to track expenses and chores of multiple groups. In a household or vacation. It is actively used and improved by the repository owner.
Mobile phones are first class citizens in this app. This means you should use this app on a mobile phone for the best experience.
There is no free (no ads), open source or self hosted alternative to all those apps out there. Splitastic is here to change that!
The project consists of 2 parts:
- Java Spring server which connects to a MySQL database (needs to be MySQL because of raw queries). See server readme for more information.
- TypeScript Vue PWA client. See client readme for more information.
MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH - Each of the parts is incremented according to:
- MAJOR, when a change is NOT backwards-compatible (an upgrade to a new MAJOR version will break stuff)
- MINOR, when new functionality is added in a backwards-compatible manner
- PATCH, when bug fixes are made in a backward-compatible manner