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abdulhaq-e edited this page Mar 18, 2013 · 2 revisions

This is matplotlib2tikz, a Python script for converting matplotlib figures into native Pgfplots (TikZ) figures.

To download matplotlibtikz, go to its page on GitHub

The workflow is as follows:

    • Place the matplotlib2tikz script in a directory where Python can find it (e.g., $PYTHONPATH). You can install it systemwide with
      sudo python install 

      or place the script into the directory where you intend to use it.

      • Make sure that your LaTeX installation includes the packages
        • TikZ (aka PGF, >=2.00), and
        • Pgfplots (>=1.3).
  1. Generate your matplotlib plot as usual.
  2. Instead of, invoke matplotlib2tikz by
    tikz_save( 'myfile.tikz' );

to store the TikZ file as myfile.tikz. Load the libary with:

from matplotlib2tikz import save as tikz_save


The scripts accepts several options, for example ‘height’, ‘width’, ‘encoding’, and some others. Invoke by

tikz_save( 'myfile.tikz', figureheight='4cm', figurewidth='6cm' )


eHeight and width must be set large enough; setting it too low it may result in a LaTeX compilation failure such as

  • Dimension Too Large, or
  • Arithmetic Overflow

(see information about these errors in the manual of Pgfplots)

To specify the dimension of the plot from within the LaTeX document, try

figureheight = '\\figureheight',
figurewidth = '\\figurewidth'

and in the LaTeX source

  1. Add the contents of myfile.tikz into your LaTeX source code; a convenient way of doing so is to use \input{/path/to/myfile.tikz}. Also make sure that at the header of your document the packages TikZ and Pgfplots are included:

    Optionally, to use features of the latest Pgfplots package (as of Pgfplots 1.3), insert


If you experience bugs, would like to contribute, have nice examples of what matplotlib2tikz can do, or if you are just looking for more information, then please visit the web page of matplotlib2tikz

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