Releases: pixee/codemodder-java
Releases · pixee/codemodder-java
Refactors SQL Remediator and Codemods & HQL Transformation Bugfix (#456) Refactors SQL injection codemods to use the new remediator API and fixes a HQL transformation bug.
New Sonar SSRF codemod (#449) /close #work Could not find any examples of sonar findings for SSRF vulnerabilities using `Url` or `HTTPUrlConnection`. This codemod only covers vulnerabilities found using the `RestTemplate` class from spring.
:sparkles: Open Source Semgrep codemods (#448) - **:truck: open source semgrep codemods** - **:sparkles: add semgrep codemods**
Added check for existing overrides in add-missing-override (#447) If you have multiple findings of the same rule for the same location, some codemods will duplicate their fixes. This PR adds a patch to stop this for the `add-missing-override` codemod.
✨ Support CodeTF Findings Without IDs (#443) When a finding has no ID, we prefer to reflect this in CodeTF vs make up a new ID that is not significant to the tool that produced the finding. /towards ISS-1837
⬆️ Use Correct Encoding Type for GPT-4o (#441) Upgraded jtokkit to a newer version that supports the encoding type we need.
Added remediators and improved method searching flexibility (#437)
More graceful failure when expected files are missing in Semgrep (#436) Although some use cases are very strict about SARIF-referenced files being present, others aren't (like testing) -- we should handle this more gracefully.
Added XXE remediation at intermediate events (#433) Also added tests, a. common reporter, etc.
Added a Java deserialization remediator (#432)