This is the Java version of the Codemodder Framework, which builds on traditional codemod frameworks by providing codemods with additional context and services. Codemodder plugins inject codemods with the context and services they need to perform complex transforms.
Pluggability and the complex transforms they enable distinguish codemodder codemods from traditional codemods.
For directions on how to write your own codemods, visit the Codemodder documentation site.
Codemodder is sponsored by pixee.ai.
Follow these instructions if you intend to modify and build this project from source.
Install JDK 17 for building this project. We recommend Eclipse Adoptium
Install Semgrep CLI. See here for instructions. It can usually be done via
:pip install semgrep==1.84.1
If your python library paths contain your home directory as a root folder (i.e.
due to the use of the $HOME
environment variable), you may need to manually
set up your PYTHONPATH
for tests:
PYTHONPATH=$HOME/<subpath-to-python-libs-folder> ./gradlew check
You can check your python paths with:
python -m site
./gradlew assemble
./gradlew check
You need to be able to run Docker for some tests. Make sure you have it installed and have the necessary permissions to run with your user.
Some tests integrate with the OpenAI platform. To run these tests, configure an OpenAI key in the Gradle
property codemodderOpenAIKey
. When no API key is configured, the tests will be skipped.
You can add the Gradle property to your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
You can download and run the latest release from this repository in order to run the core codemods as a CLI:
$ unzip codemodder-java-codemods-<VERSION>.zip
$ sh core-codemods-<VERSION>/bin/core-codemods
In order to run them during active development from Gradle, you can use the run
./gradlew :core-codemods:run --args='--output /path/to/my.codetf --dry-run /path/to/project/'