A Drag & Drop Form builder inspired from the Git package https://github.com/minikomi/Bootstrap-Form-Builder and adapted for Sonata-Admin with bootstrap v3 and Jquery
You need Bootstrap v3 and Jquery on your Javascript/CSS requirements and a recent Sonata Admin installation.
##Install the bundle
###Step 1: Download the bundle
You can download and put on your /src directory (like this src/Pirastru/FormBuilderBundle) or insert on your vendor directory with the follow command :
php -dmemory_limit=1G ./composer.phar require pirasterize/sonata-form-builder
If you have a >minimum-stability< error is because your symfony installation accept only stable packages. Edit composer.json file and change "minimum-stability" from "stable" to "dev" :
"minimum-stability": "dev",
###Step 2: Enable the bundle
Insert the follow line on your AppKernel.php in your symfony :
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Gregwar\CaptchaBundle\GregwarCaptchaBundle(),
new Pirastru\FormBuilderBundle\PirastruFormBuilderBundle()
// ...
// ...
###Step 3: Configuration
Add the following configuration to your app/config/config.yml
gregwar_captcha: ~
Add the following configuration to your app/config/parameters.yml
formbuilder_email_from: [email protected]
###Step 4: Setup the database schema
$php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
###Step 5: Setup the routing
Append the following code to app/config/routing.yml or better to separate app/config/routing_admin.yml :
resource: '@PirastruFormBuilderBundle/Controller/FormBuilderController.php'
type: annotation
###Step 6: Sonata admin setup
In order to have on your list of Admin entities the Form Builder you must put on your configuration file (this case app/config/sonata/sonata_admin.yml), inside of the directive of 'sonata_admin' the follow code :
label: Form Builder
- pirastru_form_builder.admin
###Step 7: Sonata blocks setup
In order to have on the list of blocks the Form Builder Block available on a page put on your configuration file (app/config/sonata/sonata_block.yml) the follow line :
###Step 8: Install assets
Run the follow command on your console to install assets :
$php app/console assets:install
##To see the result
Check on your Sonata Admin Entities you should see the 'Form Builder' Menu than create a new drag&drop form. After that create a page from sonata page or edit an existing one and put from the list of available blocks the block called "Form Builder Drag&Drop". On Options choose the Form you just created, and take a look on the page.
- Fields in differents sizes
- Translations
- tests
- remove form fields that are not needed in export - Button/Captcha/Privacycheck