A mod loader for My Summer Car
Please report any issues and ideas here
Example Mods - this folder contains example mods source files (see documentation how to use them)
Visual Studio templates - this folder contains templates for Visual Studio for easy mod creation. (see documentation how to use them)
A documentation for MSCLoader is avaliable here (for modders and users)
- Download the latest release of MSCLoader from here
- Unpack anywhere you want (DO NOT unpack into any game folders)
- Open MSCLInstaller.exe
- If MSC path wasn't found automatically, select path manually.
- Select "Install MSCLoader" and click "Select option" button
- Select whatever path you want to be your Mods folder (Game Folder is recommended)
- Wait for install to finish
- Unpack downloaded mods in the Mods folder you selected and you are ready!
MSCLoader is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL v3)
If you want to port this to other games make sure to link original reposity in your credits and keep it under same license (open-source).
- NAudio/NVorbis - MIT License (MIT)
- Ionic.Zip (DotNetZip) - Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
- Newtonsoft.Json - MIT License (MIT)
- UnityDoorstop - v3 - CC0 (Public Domain) / v4 - LGPL-2.1 license (LGPL-2.1)
- INIFileParser - MIT License (MIT)
If you want you can buy me a beer :)
Paypal: Paypal.me
Thanks for all donations, even small ammount helps.
- djoe45 for MSCLoader v0.1 that was based on Longwelwind and TheNoob454 work (PhiPatcher and PBLoader)
- All contributors to this project.