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pi8027 committed Mar 29, 2021
1 parent fbda740 commit 52d287d
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 11 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions theories/stablesort.v
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Expand Up @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Proof.
elim: stack t => [|t' stack IHstack] t /=; first by exists [:: t].
rewrite ifnilE -catA; case: tree_nilP => _ _.
by exists (t :: stack); rewrite //= cats0.
case: (IHstack (branch_tree true t' t)) => /= {IHstack}stack -> ->.
have [/= {IHstack}stack -> ->] := IHstack (branch_tree true t' t).
by exists (empty_tree :: stack); rewrite //= cats0.

Expand All @@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ Lemma merge_sort_popP (t : tree leT) (stack : seq (tree leT)) :
merge_sort_pop leT (sort_tree t) (map sort_tree stack) = sort_tree t'}.
elim: stack t => [|t' stack IHstack] t; first by exists t; rewrite //= cats0.
case: (IHstack (branch_tree true t' t)) => t''.
by rewrite /= catA => -> ->; exists t''.
rewrite /= -catA.
by have [/= t'' -> ->] := IHstack (branch_tree true t' t); exists t''.

Lemma sortP (s : seq T) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ Canonical NaiveMergesort.sort_stable.
(* that it reuses sorted slices. In the call-by-need evaluation, this *)
(* algorithm should allow us to take the first few elements of the output *)
(* without computing the rest of the output, so that it is O(n) time *)
(* complexity. However, non-tail-recursive merge linearly consumes the stack *)
(* in the call-by-value evaluation. *)
(* complexity. However, the non-tail-recursive merge function linearly *)
(* consumes the stack in the call-by-value evaluation. *)

Module CBN.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Canonical CBN.sort_stable.
(* - bottom up, *)
(* - structurally recursive (as in [path.sort] of MathComp), *)
(* - reusing sorted slices (as in [Data.List.sort] of GHC), and *)
(* - tail recursive (as in List.stable_sort of OCaml). *)
(* - tail recursive (as in [List.stable_sort] of OCaml). *)
(* This algorithm is similar to above [CBN.sort] except that the merging *)
(* function [revmerge] is tail-recursive and puts its result in the reverse *)
(* order. Merging with the converse relation of [leT] allows us to merge two *)
Expand All @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Fixpoint revmerge T (leT : rel T) (xs : seq T) : seq T -> seq T -> seq T :=
else catrev xs acc
else catrev.

Lemma revmergeE (T : Type) (leT : rel T) (s1 s2 : seq T) :
Let revmergeE (T : Type) (leT : rel T) (s1 s2 : seq T) :
revmerge leT s1 s2 [::] = rev (merge leT s1 s2).
rewrite -[RHS]cats0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,12 +418,12 @@ move: t stack; fix IHstack 2; move=> t [|t' [|t'' stack]] /=.
by exists [:: empty_tree, empty_tree & stack]; rewrite /= ?cats0.

Lemma nilp_condrev (r : bool) (s : seq T) : nilp (condrev r s) = nilp s.
Let nilp_condrev (r : bool) (s : seq T) : nilp (condrev r s) = nilp s.
Proof. by case: r; rewrite ?nilp_rev. Qed.

Let merge_sort_popP (mode : bool) (t : tree leT) (stack : seq (tree leT)) :
{t' : tree leT |
flatten_stack stack ++ flatten_tree t = flatten_tree t' &
flatten_stack (t :: stack) = flatten_tree t' &
merge_sort_pop mode (condrev mode (sort_tree t)) (sort_stack mode stack)
= sort_tree t'}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ have: path (fun y x => leT x y == lexy) y [:: x] by rewrite /= eqxx.
have ->: [:: x, y & s] = rev [:: y; x] ++ s by [].
elim: s (lexy) (y) [:: x] => {lexy x y} => [|y s IHs'] ord x acc.
rewrite -/(sorted _ (_ :: _)) -rev_sorted cats0 => sorted_acc.
case: (merge_sort_popP false (leaf_tree ord _ sorted_acc) stack) => t ->.
case: (merge_sort_popP false (leaf_tree ord _ sorted_acc) stack) => /= t ->.
by rewrite /= revK => ->; exists t.
rewrite -[eqb _ _]/(_ == _); case: eqVneq => lexy.
move=> path_acc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ Variant sort_spec : seq T -> seq T -> Type :=

Local Lemma sortP (s : seq T) : sort_spec s (sort _ leT s).
by case: sort => ? ? sortP; case: (sortP _ leT s) => t -> /= ->; constructor.
by case: sort => ? ? sortP; have [/= t -> ->] := sortP _ leT s; constructor.

Lemma all_sort (s : seq T) : all P (sort _ leT s) = all P s.
Expand Down

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