A collection of userscripts I made for various websites.
The scripts are tested to work with Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey.
Scripts might work with Greasemonkey, but are not tested.
- Binance Futures Tweak
- Few cool tweaks for binance.com Futures platform
- Auto hides header & creates "ctrl+K" hotkey to toggle, hides the annoying AF "Close All Positions button"
- Creates hotkeys to quickly filter pair on open orders & trade/order history pages.
- "A" for All / "B" for BTC / "E" for ETH / "L" for LTC / "X" for XMR / "D" for DOT
- "Shift+B" for BTCBUSD / "Shift+E" for ETHBUSD / "Shift+L" for LTCBUSD