Merge branch 'stable-6.0' into feature/app_generations #281
on: push
C++ tests on Linux
1m 33s
C++ tests on macOS
4m 19s
Homebrew packaging tests
9m 28s
Source packaging tests
Matrix: apache2
Matrix: nginx
Matrix: nginx_dynamic
Matrix: nodejs
Matrix: ruby
Matrix: standalone
3 warnings
Homebrew packaging tests
These files were overwritten during the `brew link` step:
Homebrew packaging tests
nginx 1.27.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 1.27.2, run:
brew reinstall nginx
Homebrew packaging tests
passenger 6.0.23_2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 6.0.23_2, run:
brew reinstall passenger