This is WIP.
Service | OCaml | Service |
Circle | 4.06 |
Data validation with first-class and first-order labels in OCaml.
Homepage for the library is available here.
Changesets are tools to validate data while accumulating errors along the way. They are composed of:
Changes: an heterogeneous map whose keys are of type
'a label
and values'a
. When deriving a changeset from a record type definition, the labels correspond to the fields of this one. -
Errors: a list of strings associated with labels.
Labels are first-class, that means you can give them as argument to functions, and first-order, so you can pattern match against them. The library promotes the pipeline design approach.
There is a ppx deriving plugin so there is no need to write any boilerplate code.
$ opam pin add changeset_lib
$ opam pin add ppx_changeset
(libraries (... changeset))
(preprocess (pps (... ppx_changeset)))
type t = {
age: int;
phone: string;
password: string;
} [@@deriving changeset]
let validate cset =
|> Changeset.validate_int Age [`greater_than_or_equal_to 0]
|> Changeset.validate_string_length Password [`min 12]
|> Changeset.validate_format Phone (Str.regexp "^\\+?[1-9][0-9]+$")
let create t =
let cset = Changeset.from_record t in
Changeset.apply (validate cset)
let data = {age = 12; password = "dolphin"; phone = "+14155552671"}
let () = match create data with
| Ok t -> (* do what you want *)
| Error cset ->
Stdio.prerr_endline (Changeset.show_errors cset)
"password":"should be at least 12 character(s)"
Parameterized source types are not yet supported.