NextDepartures is a .NET Library that queries GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data sets stored locally, in a SQLite database or in a SQL Server database. The library will work with any well-formed GTFS data set.
- Build Status:
- NextDepartures.Standard:
- NextDepartures.Storage.GTFS:
- NextDepartures.Storage.Sqlite:
- NextDepartures.Storage.SqlServer:
Connect to the library:
using NextDepartures.Standard;
using NextDepartures.Storage.GTFS;
Feed feed = await Feed.Load(GtfsStorage.Load([path]));
- [path] > Path to GTFS data set .zip or directory. Required.
Connect to the library:
using NextDepartures.Standard;
using NextDepartures.Storage.Sqlite;
Feed feed = await Feed.Load(SqliteStorage.Load([database], (prefix)));
- [database] > Database connection string. Required.
- (prefix) > Specify database table prefix. Default (GTFS). Optional.
Connect to the library:
using NextDepartures.Standard;
using NextDepartures.Storage.SqlServer;
Feed feed = await Feed.Load(SqlServerStorage.Load([database], (prefix)));
- [database] > Database connection string. Required.
- (prefix) > Specify database table prefix. Default (GTFS). Optional.
Once connected to the library:
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByEmailAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByFareUrlAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByLanguageCodeAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByPhoneAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByQueryAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByTimezoneAsync();
var results = await feed.GetAgenciesByUrlAsync();
Once connected to the library:
var results = await feed.GetServicesByParentStationAsync();
var results = await feed.GetServicesByStopAsync();
var results = await feed.GetServicesByTripAsync();
Once connected to the library:
var results = await feed.GetStopsByDescriptionAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByLevelAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByLocationAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByLocationTypeAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByParentStationAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByPlatformCodeAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByQueryAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByTimezoneAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByUrlAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByWheelchairBoardingAsync();
var results = await feed.GetStopsByZoneAsync();
Licensed under the MIT License.