Tabia means characteristic in Swahili. Tabia is giving us insights on the characteristics of our code bases.
Copy .env.example
to .env
and fill out the bitbucket token. This environment variable is read by the CLI and tests. Also vscode will read the variable when running tests or starting debugger.
cp .env.example .env
source .env
env | grep TABIA
Install required tools:
make install-tools
Add your $GO_PATH/bin folder to your path to make the installed Go tools globally available.
export GO_PATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH="$GO_PATH/bin:$PATH"
To build the CLI you can make use of the build
target using make
make build
To run tests you can make use of the test
target using make
make test
To interact with Bitbucket tabia
makes use of the Bitbucket 1.0 Rest API.
bin/tabia bitbucket --help
bin/tabia bitbucket projects --help
bin/tabia bitbucket repositories --help
To interact with Github tabia
makes use of the Github graphql API.
bin/tabia github --help
bin/tabia github repositories --help
To expose the repositories in Grimoirelab projects.json format, you can optionally provide a json file to map repositories to projects. By default the project will be mapped to the owner of the repository. Anything not matching the rules will fall back to this default.
bin/tabia -O philips-labs -M github-projects.json -F grimoirelab > projects.json
Regexes should be defined in the following format.
"rules": {
"One Codebase": { "url": "tabia|varys|garo|^code\\-chars$" },
"HSDP": { "url": "(?i)hsdp" },
"iX": { "url": "(?i)ix\\-" },
"Licensing Entitlement": { "url": "(?i)lem\\-" },
"Code Signing": { "url": "(?i)^code\\-signing$|notary" }
To generate the output for example in a markdown format you can use the option for a templated output format. This requires you to provide the path to a template file as well. Templates can be defined using the following template/text package syntax.
# Our repositories
Our repository overview. Private/Internal repositories are marked with a __*__
{{range .}}* [{{ .Name}}]({{ .URL }}) {{if .IsPrivate() }}__*__{{end}}
Using above template we can now easily generate a markdown file with this unordered list of repository links.
bin/tabia -O philips-labs -F templated -T markdown.tmpl >
The following repository fields can be filtered on.
- ID
- Name
- Description
- Owner
- Visibility
- CreatedAt
- UpdatedAt
- PushedAt
- Topics
The following functions are available.
func (RepositoryFilterEnv) Contains(s, substr string) bool
func (Repository) IsPublic() bool
func (Repository) IsInternal() bool
func (Repository) IsPrivate() bool
func (Repository) HasTopic(topic string) bool
func (Repository) CreatedSince(date string) bool
func (Repository) UpdatedSince(date string) bool
func (Repository) PushedSince(date string) bool
$ bin/tabia github repositories -O philips-labs -f '{ !.IsPrivate() && !.IsInternal() && !Contains(.Name, "terraform") }'
Name Owner Visibility Clone
0001 helm2cf philips-labs Public
0002 dct-notary-admin philips-labs Public
0003 notary philips-labs Public
0004 about-this-organization philips-labs Public
0005 sonar-scanner-action philips-labs Public
0006 medical-delivery-drone philips-labs Public
0007 dangerous-dave philips-labs Public
0008 varys philips-labs Public
0009 garo philips-labs Public
The following member fields can be filtered on.
- ID
- Login
- Name
- Organization
- SamlIdentity
- ID
The following functions are available.
func (MemberFilterEnv) Contains(s, substr string) bool
bin/tabia github contents --repo philips-labs/tabia --file --output downloads/tabia/
$ cat downloads/tabia/
# Tabia