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# Documentation for COMP3411
# Chris Phibbs and Callum Howard

# We decided to use Python for this assignment due to our familiarity
# with the language and due to its easy readability and power

# The main design
# idea from the start was to have our agent create inside of itself its
# own representation of the board displaying all the areas it had seen, so
# that it could make an informed decision based off this information and then
# create paths to wherever it needed to go.

# To achieve this, we split the program into 3 classes: GameState, Agent and Board.

# Board Class:
# ------------
# The board class stores the internal representation of the board that our agent
# would keep track of as he explores the board itself. To represent this we used
# a two-dimensional list, which allowed us to use a coordinate system to keep
# track of objects on the map easily. This was much better than our earlier ideas of
# a string, 1-dimensional list and a hash, as each of these options in our opinion
# made it harder to keep track of positions/objects on the map. This allowed us to 
# keep track of board positions with tuples.
# Storing the board this way made it easy to find adjacent objects to particular
# board coordinates and such, as well as pathfinding. We therefore included all methods
# related to object finding and path finding in this class.
# We initialise the board to be 160x160 squares. By starting our mapping in the middle of this
# 160x160 board, we ensure that regardless of our orientation/starting position on the real map,
# we will be able to accurately represent it in our own agent's version - since the real board
# can be no bigger than 80x80 squares.

# GameState Class:
# ----------------
# This class stores all information on the current game state. It aggregates the board
# class to keep track of the game board, as well as storing boolean variables denoting 
# whether objects such as the axe, dynamite, gold etc. had been picked up, as well as whether
# the agent is in a boat. All constants are also stored in this class, as well as a dictionary of
# strings representing elements of the board and different player moves to improve code readability.
# e.g. FEATURES['water'] will print the character for water, and so forth. Socket code is also stored
# in this class, as the current board state is based off the information given by the server.

# Agent Class:
# ------------
# This class aggregates the GameState class and then makes movement decisions based on the
# current game state before sending its move choice to the server. Uses breadth-first search to
# explore the map and get as much information as possible. If it finds the location of the gold
# it devises the shortest path to the gold. Once the agent obtains the gold, it uses a shortest-path
# algorithm to get back to its starting location.
# If the agent fails to find a path to the gold or does not know the location of the gold, it finds the
# location of the axe. It then finds the shortest path to the axe, picks it up, then calculates all the 
# shortest paths to every known tree and cuts them down. It then explores any unexplored areas if they are
# unobstructed. If a path to the gold still can't be found, it will revert to the "dumbBot" strategy where
# it randomly wanders the map while blowing up random walls when possible. The behavioural methods
# representing these strategies are stored in, while all gamestate methods are stored in
# Our agent also stores a log of all its behaviours in a file called agent.log


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