Samples for the Wowool-sdk 2.x version. Make sure you have your lic.dat file installed or the environment variabel points to it
export PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL=https://partners:[YourPassword]
Not the password need to be encoded to pass in the url to encode url password:
python3 -c "import urllib.parse, sys; print(urllib.parse.quote(sys.argv[1]))" [YourPassword]
pip3 install eot-wowool-common pip3 install eot-wowool-sdk pip3 install eot-wowool-english_entity pip3 install eot-wowool-topic_identifier
Analyse a input string and return the analytic results and it's entities.
Shows you how to traverse the concepts in a result object.
Explains you how to capture some data passing it to python at matching time, so that you can decide if this is a valid hit or discard the matching results. Before it can be processed later.