corosync-commander is a simplified interface into cluster communication via the Corosync library, based on the corosync gem.
It allows you to build apps which communicate with each other in a reliable fashion. You can send messages to the apps and ensure that every app receives the message in the exact same order. This lets you synchronize data between the apps by only sending deltas.
The key to this is that when you send a message to the cluster, you receive your own message. Thus corosync-commander becomes a communication bus between the frontend and backend of your application.
Note that due to limitations in ruby versions prior to 2.0, the minimum ruby version supported is 2.0. For more information, see the IMPORTANT section of the documentation.
Even with ruby 2.0, you must set the RUBY_THREAD_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE
environment variable higher than 1mb, recommended value is 1572864 (1.5mb)
There is a fully working example in the examples
directory, but here's a brief condensed version:
require 'corosync_commander'
cc =
cc.commands.register('shell command') do |sender, shellcmd|
cc.join('remote commands')
exe = cc.execute([], 'shell command', 'hostname')
enum = exe.to_enum
enum.each do |sender, response|
$stdout.write "#{sender.nodeid}:#{}: #{response.chomp}\n"
rescue CorosyncCommander::RemoteException => e
puts "Caught remote exception: #{e}"