Simply put, this gem saves you money on Heroku by only running the workers when you need them.
When a new job is enqueued, this gem will fire up a new worker instance if none are running. When the job finishes, it'll shut it down.
Create a delayed job worker and include HerokuDelayedJobAutoscale::Autoscale:
class OnImageUpload
include HerokuDelayedJobAutoscale::Autoscale
def initialize(media)
@media = media
def perform
- Rush >= 0.6 -
- Heroku client >= 1 -
- Delayed Job >= 2.1 -
I haven't tested lower versions, but it might work.
Autoscale uses two DJ hooks. #after and #enqueue, which it just passes onto two methods autoscale_after and autoscale_enqueue. If you need to use either of those hooks yourself in your DJ worker, make sure you pass on the job to the autoscale_methods manually.
Work is based of pedro's autoscaling branch, but adapted for Delayed Job 2.1 and rails 3.