Releases: phantomics/april
April 1.0
This release marks April's substantial fulfillment of its design goals: implementing a modern APL compiling to Common Lisp, with all the expected tools available for array processing and mathematics. With a standard library containing many useful functions ported from Dyalog's online dfns and some other interesting demos, April is ready to take on a wide range of tasks. Many fixes and refinements undoubtedly remain for April and there are many potential optimizations on the horizon, but now is the point at which April has become what it was intended to be.
Innumerable changes have been made since the previous release, and it's likely that not 1% of the codebase from that time remains. From this point April will enter a more steady cadence of releases charting progress toward new features and improvements.
April Beta Revision 1
This release brings many improvements to April, including fixes to the printing function, the partitioned enclose function and the exposure of ⎕-prefixed system variables within the language. A (demo) option has also been added, making it possible to print a series of language demos. Finally, the (april-p) macro is now implemented alongside the standard (april). Using (april-p) causes the output of evaluated code to be printed in APL style by default.
April Initial Beta
This is April's first full beta release, featuring 93 primitive functions and 14 operators. It can return the results of calculations in the form of native Lisp arrays as well as expressing arrays in the form of strings formatted in the traditional APL style. Outside of the APL implementation itself, several features are in place to make development with April faster and easier. These include the (april-p) macro that automatically prints APL-formatted output along with returned results and the (with-april-context) macro that allows a single set of parameters to be used for multiple invocations of April.
April's first beta release, featuring 93 functions and 12 operators - almost every function and operator included in contemporary APL implementations, excepting the ⍕ function used for printing array contents and glyphs like → and & that manifest low-level system interaction.
April's first beta release, featuring 93 functions and 12 operators - almost every function and operator included in contemporary APL implementations, excepting the ⍕ function used for printing array contents and glyphs like → and & that manifest low-level system interaction.