is a text editor component for tview. The vast majority of the code is derived from
the micro editor.
Note The shape of the femto
API is a work-in-progress, and should not be considered stable.
Up: CursorUp
Down: CursorDown
Right: CursorRight
Left: CursorLeft
ShiftUp: SelectUp
ShiftDown: SelectDown
ShiftLeft: SelectLeft
ShiftRight: SelectRight
AltLeft: WordLeft
AltRight: WordRight
AltUp: MoveLinesUp
AltDown: MoveLinesDown
AltShiftRight: SelectWordRight
AltShiftLeft: SelectWordLeft
CtrlLeft: StartOfLine
CtrlRight: EndOfLine
CtrlShiftLeft: SelectToStartOfLine
ShiftHome: SelectToStartOfLine
CtrlShiftRight: SelectToEndOfLine
ShiftEnd: SelectToEndOfLine
CtrlUp: CursorStart
CtrlDown: CursorEnd
CtrlShiftUp: SelectToStart
CtrlShiftDown: SelectToEnd
Alt-{: ParagraphPrevious
Alt-}: ParagraphNext
Enter: InsertNewline
CtrlH: Backspace
Backspace: Backspace
Alt-CtrlH: DeleteWordLeft
Alt-Backspace: DeleteWordLeft
Tab: IndentSelection,InsertTab
Backtab: OutdentSelection,OutdentLine
CtrlZ: Undo
CtrlY: Redo
CtrlC: Copy
CtrlX: Cut
CtrlK: CutLine
CtrlD: DuplicateLine
CtrlV: Paste
CtrlA: SelectAll
Home: StartOfLine
End: EndOfLine
CtrlHome: CursorStart
CtrlEnd: CursorEnd
PageUp: CursorPageUp
PageDown: CursorPageDown
CtrlR: ToggleRuler
Delete: Delete
Insert: ToggleOverwriteMode
Alt-f: WordRight
Alt-b: WordLeft
Alt-a: StartOfLine
Alt-e: EndOfLine
Esc: Escape
Alt-n: SpawnMultiCursor
Alt-m: SpawnMultiCursorSelect
Alt-p: RemoveMultiCursor
Alt-c: RemoveAllMultiCursors
Alt-x: SkipMultiCursor
The code below (also found in cmd/femto/femto.go
) creates a tview
application with a single full-screen editor
that operates on one file at a time. Ctrl-s saves any edits; Ctrl-q quits.
package main
import (
func saveBuffer(b *femto.Buffer, path string) error {
return ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(b.String()), 0600)
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: femto [filename]\n")
path := os.Args[1]
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not read %v: %v", path, err)
var colorscheme femto.Colorscheme
if monokai := runtime.Files.FindFile(femto.RTColorscheme, "monokai"); monokai != nil {
if data, err := monokai.Data(); err == nil {
colorscheme = femto.ParseColorscheme(string(data))
app := tview.NewApplication()
buffer := femto.NewBufferFromString(string(content), path)
root := femto.NewView(buffer)
root.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey {
switch event.Key() {
case tcell.KeyCtrlS:
saveBuffer(buffer, path)
return nil
case tcell.KeyCtrlQ:
return nil
return event
app.SetRoot(root, true)
if err := app.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)