2024-09-17 update
New version 3.0 shows clear text PowerShell and Remediation scripts in hover on ToolTip when using -Online option and you can copy scripts and other ToolTip text to clipboard. Also detects Autopilot Device Registration enrollment.
New version 2.4 Fix AppWorkload.log file change.
New version 2.3 uses Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module.
New version 2.0 creates HTML report which has more information and for example has additional info in HoverOn ToolTips.**
This script analyzes Microsoft Intune Management Extension (IME) log(s) and creates timeline report from found events.
For Win32App delivery it also shows summary of download statistics with estimated network bandwidth and Delivery Optimization statistics.
It also includes really capable -LogViewerUI for Intune log(s) viewing and troubleshooting.
Go to script Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1
Timeline report includes information about Intune events
- Win32App
- WinGetApp
- Powershell scripts
- Proactive Remedation scripts
- custom Compliance Policy scripts
Windows Autopilot ESP phases and other information is also shown on timeline.
Download script from PowershellGallery with command:
Save-Script Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics -Path ./
Run script
# or to get Intune Powershell script names from Graph API use -Online parameter
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -Online
-Online parameter will download Powershell script names from Graph API. Win32App and WinGetApp names are detected from Intune log files.
-Online parameter requires Microsoft Graph module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication installation.
You can install Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module to your user account with command
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -Scope CurrentUser
In Windows Autopilot Shift-F10 Command Prompt during Windows Autopilot Pre-Provisioning or Enrollment Status Page
cd C:\ProgramData
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -Scope Process
Save-Script Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics -Path ./
# -Online when you need to get displayNames to Powershell scripts
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -Online
-AllLogEntries -AllLogFiles
Open all supported log files (IntuneManagementExtension and AgentExecutor) automatically and also show all log events
These options prevents showing UIs which asks same information
.\Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -Online -AllLogEntries -AllLogFiles
Open log file specifying fullpath to logfile
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -LOGFile -LOGFile "C:\temp\MDMDiagReport\IntuneManagementExtension.log"
Open log files folder and show UI where you can select what Intune log files to open.
You can copy Intune client logs from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\IntuneManagementExtension\Logs folder and analyze logs in another device.
Or you can download Intune logs from remote computer with Intune action Collect Diagnostics and analyze in another device.
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -LogFilesFolder "C:\temp\MDMDiagReport"
Shows start events on Timeline.
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -ShowAllTimelineEntries
Intune Powershell scripts' outputs and errors can be also shown in Timeline view with parameters
This shows instantly what is problem with failed Powershell scripts
There are many more Parameters but these should get you started.
Script also includes really capable Log Viewer UI when script is started with parameter -ShowLogViewerUI
./Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics.ps1 -Online -ShowLogViewerUI -ConvertAllKnownGuidsToClearText
LogViewerUI (Out-GridView) looks a lot like cmtrace.exe tool but it is better because all found Timeline events are added to log for easier debugging.
Parameter -ConvertAllKnownGuidsToClearText replaces all known GUIDs to real App and script names. This makes viewing log 1000% easier.
LogViewerUI has good search and filtering capabilities. Try to filter known log entries in Timeline:
Add criteria -> ProcessRunTime -> is not empty
Selecting last line (RELOAD) and OK will reload log file.
Script can merge multiple log files so especially in LogViewerUI you can see Powershell command outputs from AgentExecutor.log
Check screenshots
There are many features in development and planned in future. Stay tuned :)
- WinGetApp install may be detected falsepositive wrong. There is WinGet App install fail and empty App name and UserName in Timeline view.
- Status: Fixed in version 1.1
- Win32App Uninstall is shown as Install at least in Supercedende case
- Verified that intent is not gathered right in Win32App and WinGetApp install/uninstall
- Status: Fixed in version 1.1