Convert Sigma Space Micro Pulse Lidar (MPL) data files and afterpulse, overlap and dead time correction files to NetCDF.
mpl2nc is a Python program for converting binary MPL files to NetCDF4. The
converted variables closely follow those in the binary files. See the Micro
Pulse LiDAR System Software Manual for description of the original format and
variables. In contrast to the official SigmaMPL software, mpl2nc preserves the
native resolution of the data and allows easier batch operation on many input
files. The program can run on any operating system with Python 3. Raw lidar
backscatter is stored in the channel_1
(cross-polarized) and channel_2
(co-polarized) variables. Normalized relative backscatter (NRB) is calculated
from the raw backscatter (experimental). If afterpulse, overlap and dead time
correction files are supplied, the corrections are applied when calculating
Note that the vendor-supplied dead time correction is known to be incorrect in some instances. The dead time bin files use 32-bit floating point values to store polynomial coefficients, which may be truncated due to the limited precision of the data type. Using such dead time correction with mpl2nc or the SigmaMPL software will result in wrong calibration. In such case please use a CSV file with dead time correction polynomial curve values as specified in the instrument's documentation (see below).
mpl2nc is a command line program to be run a terminal (Linux and macOS) or the Command Prompt (Windows).
afterpulse] [-d
dead_time] [-o
overlap] [-q
] [-v
] [input] output
Optional arguments:
afterpulse: Afterpulse correction file (.bin
dead_time: Dead time correction file (.bin
: Show help message and exit.-o
overlap: Overlap correction file (.bin
: Run quietly (suppress output).-v
: Show program's version number and exit.
Positional arguments:
- input: Input
file or a directory containing.mpl
files. - output: Output
file or a directory where the
files are written.
If input is not specified, only the correction files are converted and written to output.
Currently only afterpulse correction file version 3 (SigmaMPL2013R1.0 and later) is supported.
The dead time correction file can come either from the vendor-supplied .bin
or from a CSV file created manually from a polynomial curve specified in the
instrument's documentation (see below).
On Linux and macOS, see also the man page for information about usage:
man mpl2nc
mpl2nc -a MMPL5054_Afterpulse_201903220500.bin -o MMPL5054_Overlap_201903270700.bin -d MMPL5054_SPCM34184_Deadtime7.bin 201803040300.mpl
Convert 201803040300.mpl
using correction files for afterpulse, overlap and dead time.
mpl2nc -a MMPL5054_Afterpulse_201903220500.bin -o MMPL5054_Overlap_201903270700.bin -d MMPL5054_SPCM34184_Deadtime7.bin in out
Convert MPL files in the directory in
to NetCDF files in the directory out
using correction files for afterpulse, overlap and dead time.
mpl2nc -a MMPL5054_Afterpulse_201903220500.bin -o MMPL5054_Overlap_201903270700.bin -d MMPL5054_SPCM34184_Deadtime7.bin
Convert afterpulse, overlap and dead time correction files to the NetCDF file
It is recommended to run mpl2nc on Linux.
On Debian-derived distributions (Ubuntu, Devuan, ...), install the required system packages with:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip pipx
On Fedora, install the required system packages with:
sudo yum install python3 pipx
Install mpl2nc:
pipx install mpl2nc
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/man/man1
ln -s ~/.local/pipx/venvs/mpl2nc/share/man/man1/mpl2nc.1 ~/.local/share/man/man1/
Make sure that $HOME/.local/bin
is included in the PATH
variable if not already. This can be done with pipx ensurepath
You should now be able to run mpl2nc
and see the manual page with man mpl2nc
To uninstall:
pipx uninstall mpl2nc
rm ~/.local/share/man/man1/mpl2nc.1
Open the Terminal. Install mpl2nc with:
python3 -m pip install mpl2nc
Make sure that /Users/<user>/Library/Python/<version>/bin
is included in the
environment variable if not already, where <user>
is your system
user name and <version>
is the Python version. This path should be printed
by the above command. This can be done by adding this line to the file
in your home directory and restart the Terminal:
You should now be able to run mpl2nc
and see the manual page with man mpl2nc
To uninstall:
python3 -m pip uninstall mpl2nc
Install Python 3. In the installer, tick Add python.exe to PATH
Open Command Prompt from the Start menu. Install mpl2nc with:
pip install mpl2nc
You should now be able to run mpl2nc
To uninstall:
pip uninstall mpl2nc
- profile – backscatter profile
- range – backscatter range
- ap_range – afterpulse range
- ol_range – overlap range
Variable | Description | Units | Comment |
ap_background_average_copol | afterpulse co pol background average | count.µs-1 | |
ap_background_average_crosspol | afterpulse cross pol background average | count.µs-1 | |
ap_energy | afterpulse energy | µJ | |
ap_file_version | afterpulse file version | ||
ap_header | afterpulse header | ||
ap_number_bins | afterpulse number of bins | count | |
ap_number_channels | afterpulse number of channels | count | |
c | speed of light | m.s-1 | |
dt_coeff | dead time coefficient | N coefficients of polynomial degree N-1 in decreasing order | |
dt_coeff_degree | dead time coefficient degree | count | |
dt_number_coeff | dead time number of coefficients | count | |
ol_number_bins | overlap number of bins | count |
Variable | Description | Units | Comment |
ap_copol | afterpulse co pol values | count.µs-1 | |
ap_crosspol | afterpulse cross pol values | count.µs-1 | |
ap_range | afterpulse range | km |
Variable | Description | Units | Comment |
ol_overlap | overlap values | ||
ol_range | overlap range | km |
Variable | Description | Units | Comment |
ad_data_bad_flag | A/D data bad flag | 0 : A/D data good, 1 : A/D data probably out of sync. Energy monitor collection is not exactly aligned with MCS shots. |
azimuth_angle | azimuth angle | degrees | Azimuth angle of scanner. |
background_average | background average | count.µs-1 | Background Average for Channel #1. |
background_average_2 | background average (channel 2) | count.µs-1 | Background Average for Channel #2. |
background_stddev | background standard deviation | count.µs-1 | Background Standard Deviation for Channel #1. |
background_stddev_2 | background standard deviation (channel 2) | count.µs-1 | Background Standard Deviation for Channel #2. |
bin_time | bin time | s | Bin width (100, 200, or 500 nanoseconds). |
compass_degrees | compass degrees | degrees | Compass degrees (currently unused). |
data_file_version | data file version | Version of the file format. | |
elevation_angle | elevation angle | degrees | Elevation angle of scanner. |
energy_monitor | energy monitor | mJ | Mean of the Energy Monitor readings * 1000. |
first_background_bin | first background bin | Used primarily for MiniMPL (will always be 0 for normal MPL as background is collected pre-trigger). | |
first_data_bin | first data bin | Bin # of the first return data. | |
gps_altitude | GPS altitude | m | GPS altitude (optional). |
gps_latitude | GPS latitude | degrees north | GPS latitude (optional). |
gps_longitude | GPS longitude | degrees east | GPS longitude (optional). |
mcs_mode | MCS mode | MCS mode register. | |
num_background_bins | number of background bins | count | Number of background bins following First Background Bin. |
number_channels | number of channels | count | MCS Channels collected. Either 1 or 2. |
number_data_bins | number of data bins | count | |
polarization_voltage_0 | polarization voltage 0 | Not used. | |
polarization_voltage_1 | polarization voltage 1 | Not used. | |
range_calibration | range calibration | m | Default is 0; will indicate range calibration offset measured for particular unit. |
scan_scenario_flags | scan scenario flags | 0 : No scan scenario used, 1 : Scan scenario used]. |
shots_sum | shots sum | count | Number of laser shots collected. |
sync_pulses_seen_per_second | sync pulses seen per second | count.s-1 | MiniMPL Only; indicates average number of laser pulses seen to validate if laser is operating correctly. |
system_type | system type | 0 : Normal MPL, 1 : MiniMPL. |
temp_0 | A/D #0 mean | Mean of the A/D #0 readings * 100. | |
temp_1 | A/D #1 mean | Mean of the A/D #1 readings * 100. | |
temp_2 | A/D #2 mean | Mean of the A/D #2 readings * 100. | |
temp_3 | A/D #3 mean | Mean of the A/D #3 readings * 100. | |
temp_4 | A/D #4 mean | Mean of the A/D #4 readings * 100. | |
time | time | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 | Record collection time. |
time_utc | UTC time | ISO 8601 | Record collection time (UTC). |
trigger_frequency | trigger frequency | Hz | Laser fire rate (usually 2500). |
unit | unit | Unique number for each data system. | |
version | version | Software version of the EXE that created this file. If the SigmaMPL.exe version is 3.00 then this value would be 300. | |
ws_barometric_pressure | barometric pressure | hPa | Weather station barometric pressure. |
ws_dewpoint | dewpoint temperature | ℃ | Weather station dewpoint. |
ws_inside_humidity | inside humidity | percent | Weather station inside humidity. |
ws_inside_temp | inside temperature | ℃ | Weather station inside temperature. |
ws_outside_humidity | outside humidity | percent | Weather station outside humidity. |
ws_outside_temp | outside temperature | ℃ | Weather station outside temperature. |
ws_rain_rate | rain rate | mm.h-1 | Weather station rain rate. |
ws_used | weather station used | 0 : Weather station not used, 1 : Weather station used. |
ws_wind_direction | wind direction | degree | Weather station wind direction. |
ws_wind_speed | wind speed | km.h-1 | Weather station wind speed. |
Variable | Description | Units | Comment |
channel_1 | channel #1 data | count.µs-1 | For MPL systems without POL-FS option, the return signal array is stored here. For MPL systems with the POL-FS option, the cross-polarized return signal array is stored here. |
channel_2 | channel #2 data | count.µs-1 | Used only with POL-FS option. The co-polarized return signal array is stored here. |
nrb_copol | copol normalized relative backscatter | count.µs-1.µJ-1.km2 | Experimental. |
nrb_crosspol | crosspol normalized relative backscatter | count.µs-1.µJ-1.km2 | Experimental. |
Variable | Description |
created | UTC time in ISO 8601 format when the file was created. |
software | Software identification (mpl2nc ( ). |
version | mpl2nc version. |
Range can be calculated as 0.5*bin_time*c*([0, ..., n - 1] + 0.5)
where n
is the number of bins.
mpl2nc uses the following formula to calculate NRB:
nrb_copol = (channel_2*dtcf(channel_2) - background_average_2*dtcf(background_average_2) -
ap_copol*dtcf(ap_copol)*energy_monitor*1e-3/ap_energy +
nrb_crosspol = (channel_1*dtcf(channel_1) - background_average_1*dtcf(background_average_1) -
ap_crosspol*dtcf(ap_crosspol)*energy_monitor*1e-3/ap_energy +
where range
is range in m and dtcf is a function which calculates the dead
time correction factor for given photon counts. The correction fields
are interpolated on the data range.
A CSV file with dead time correction values can be supplied with the -d
This can be created from a dead time correction polynomial curve table supplied
with the instrument. For example:
The CSV file should contain two columns: count
(in Kc/s) and factor
(unitless). The values should be as specified in the table for your particular
instrument. For the above example, the content of the
CSV file should be:
The resulting curve is linearly interpolated between the specified points
in the count
) space. For count values below the smallest value,
a factor of 1 is used. For count values above the largest value, a factor
of infinity (in the floating-point data type) is used and a warning is issued.
This software can be used, modified and distributed freely under the terms of an MIT license (see in the source distribution).
Version numbering follows Semantic Versioning.
- Fix a bug due to a wrong missing value for uint16 variables, which happens with recent versions of NumPy.
- Support for dead time correction supplied as a CSV file.
- Better error reporting.
- Improvements in the documentation.
- Installation with pipx.
- Improved list of dependencies in
- Dropped support for Python 2.7.
- Fixed installation on Windows.
- Python 3 compatibility.
- mpl2nc man page.
- When input is a directory convert files in alphabetical order.
- Fixed NRB issues (swaped channels and incorrect application of the dead time correction).
- Fixed command line argument processing.
- Support for afterpulse, overlap and dead time correction files.
- NRB (experimental).
- Fixed type conversion bug on Windows.
- Added global file attributes.
- Fixed syntax error in the script.
- Initial version.
For support or reporting bugs contact Peter Kuma <[email protected]>.