This is a basic messenger web chat application. Where you can send private messages to online users. For this application is used sockets for sending messages, express for backend server with mongodb for saving data and on the frontend I used React with Next.js for search engine optimization.
First you need to install all necessary packages on the frontend and backend:
cd frontend
npm i
cd backend
npm i
After that create a .env
file in the backend folder, it should look something like this.
To start the application you need to run the frontend and backend server with the following commands.
cd frontend
npm dev
cd backbend
npm dev
If everything works correctly you should get these two outputs in your terminal windows.
For frontend:
ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
event - compiled client and server successfully in 553 ms (307 modules)
For backend:
Server is running on port 5000
MongoDB database connection established successfully
NodeJS version: 14.18.1
Express version: 4.17.2
ReactJS version: 17.0.2
Typescript version: 4.5.5
Next version: 12.0.8
- next
- redux
- redux-saga
- redux-toolkit
- typescript
- react-hook-form
- classnames
- uuid
- sass
- react-icons
- axios
- emoji-picker-react
- @dicebear/avatars-identicon-sprites
- react-intersection-observer
- bcrypt
- cors
- express
- mongoose