This is my personal resumé website built as a Static Site with Next.js, React with content from Contentful tested with Cypress, measured with Google Lighthouse, built with GitHub actions and deployed on Netlify. Available on
$ yarn dev
Runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
yarn build
Builds the app for production.
Please note that this is far over-engineered for such as simple site - but there purpose has been to try out different workflows and how things and tasks can be automated to create a safe way of shipping features somewhat continously to production.
- Deployments to production and development environment are automated and performed by GitHub actions
- main branch represents what is currently live at (
- Feature branches are created from develop branch
- When feature branch is done create a PR to merge it to develop branch
- GitHub actions to run Smoke tests and Google Lighthouse tests
- TODO: Spin up feature specific environment on Netlify
- When PR is approved merge to develop branch
- GitHub action deploys develop to
- When develop is ready to go live it can be merged to main
- GitHub action deploys main to
- To go live create a new release, and a new tag, at GitHub
- The rollback procedure is to pick and old tag at GitHub releases page and publish that version.
GitHub projects is used to track tasks and manage features: