A web-based application for distributing advertisement mails, tailored to the needs of a gameserver hosting company.
Mecha Mailer simplifies the process of aquiring gamer-clan clients by advertisement mails.
The application features the following functions:
- Specify the contact data of a targetted clan (clan-name, clan-tag and contact address), including duplicate and similarity check
- Edit or the delete the information of specific clans
- Send a standard or custom mail to the specified clans. The name of the receiving clan and a signature of the sending person is automatically added to the mail.
- A slick PHP web interface
To start the application locally for development:
- Execute StartDevelopmentServers.bat This starts a local PHP and MySQL Server.
- Open the address http://localhost:5723 in your webbrowser
To start the application in a productive environement:
- Execute Setup\DatabaseSetup.sql on your productive MySQL database
- Copy the files in the \Application folder to your productive PHP web-folder
- Enter your productive database credentials into Application\util\dblogin.php