pyMultiLDAP can gather data from multiple LDAP servers, can do data aggregation and manipulation with rewrite rules. pyMultiLDAP can act also as a proxy server, behind openldap's slapd-sock backend or any custom implementation.
- LDAP client to many servers as a single one;
- Custom functions to manipulate returning data (rewrite rules);
- Export data in python dictionary, json or ldiff format;
- Proxy Server, exposing a server daemon usable with slapd-sock backend.
pyMultiLDAP doesn't write to LDAP servers, it just handle readonly data. It's also used to automate smart data processing on-the-fly.
See example/
and multildap/
to understand how to configure and extend it.
- Debian9;
- Debian10.
Configure multiple connections and search paramenters in
git clone
cd pyMultiLDAP
pip install -r requirements
python3 install
or use pipy [WIP]
pip install pyMultiLDAP
from multildap.client import LdapClient
from settings import LDAP_CONNECTIONS
# get all the results
# apply a filter
lc.get(search="(&(sn=de marco)(schacPersonalUniqueId=*DMRGPP83*))")
See examples/
Difference between .search
and .get
- search relyies on connection configuration and returns result as it come (raw);
- get handles custom search filter and retrieve result as dictionary, json, ldif or python object format. It also apply rewrite rules.
import copy
from multildap.client import LdapClient
from settings import LDAP_CONNECTIONS
kwargs = copy.copy(lc.conf)
kwargs['search']['search_filter'] = "(&(sn=de medici)(givenName=aurora))"
r =**kwargs['search'])
from multildap.client import LdapClient
from . settings import LDAP_CONNECTIONS
lc = LdapClient(LDAP_CONNECTIONS[i])
print('# Results from: {} ...'.format(lc))
# get all as defined search_filter configured in settings connection
# but in json format
r = lc.get(format='json')
# set a custom search as method argument
r = lc.get(search="(&(sn=de marco)(schacPersonalUniqueId=*DMRGPP345tg86H))", format='json')
print('# End {}'.format(i))
Network address -conf -port 1234
Unix domain socket (for slapd-sock backend) -conf ./ -loglevel "DEBUG" -socket /var/run/multildap.sock -pid /var/run/ -uid openldap
Dummy test without any ldap client connection configured, just to test slapd-sock: -conf ./ -dummy -loglevel "DEBUG" -socket /var/run/multildap.sock -pid /var/run/
Test Unix domain socket from cli
nc -U /tmp/multildap.sock
The Slapd-sock backend to slapd uses an external program to handle queries. This makes it possible to have a pool of processes, which persist between requests. This allows multithreaded operation and a higher level of efficiency. Multildapd listens on a Unix domain socket and it must have been started independently;
This module may also be used as an overlay on top of some other database. Use as an overlay allows external actions to be triggered in response to operations on the main database.
Add the module.
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// <<EOF
dn: cn=module,cn=config
objectClass: olcModuleList
cn: module
Create the database.
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// <<EOF
dn: olcDatabase={4}sock,cn=config
objectClass: olcDbSocketConfig
olcDatabase: {4}sock
olcDbSocketPath: /var/run/multildap.sock
olcSuffix: dc=proxy,dc=testunical,dc=it
olcDbSocketExtensions: binddn peername ssf
Add an Overlay if you want to wrap an existing backend
ldapmodify -H ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL <<EOF
dn: olcOverlay=sock,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcConfig
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectClass: olcOvSocketConfig
olcOverlay: sock
olcDbSocketPath: /var/run/multildap/multildap.sock
olcOvSocketOps: bind unbind search
olcOvSocketResps: search
Remember to configure an ACL otherwise only ldapsearch -H ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL
as root would fetch ldif.
Remember to add a space char ' '
after every olaAccess line, otherwise you'll get Implementation specific error(80)
export BASEDC="dc=testunical,dc=it"
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// <<EOF
dn: olcDatabase={4}sock,cn=config
changeType: modify
replace: olcAccess
olcAccess: to *
by dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth manage
by * break
# the following permits self BIND by users
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="dc=proxy,$BASEDC"
by self read
by * break
# the following two permits SEARCH by idp and foreign auth system
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="ou=people,$BASEDC"
by dn.children="ou=auth,$BASEDC" read
by self read
by * break
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="ou=people,$BASEDC"
by dn.children="ou=idp,$BASEDC" read
by self read
by * break
olcAccess: to *
by anonymous auth
by * break
Authentication (BIND) on top of the multildapd must be configured with attribute
regarding every connections in the If abstent the specified connection will be excluded from authentication.
TODO: adopt openldap proxy authz statements.
ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:389 -D "uid=peppe,dc=proxy,dc=testunical,dc=it" -w thatsecret -b 'uid=peppe,dc=proxy,dc=unical,dc=it'
See databases currently installed:
ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b 'cn=config' -LLL "olcDatabase=*"
;- Use
client_strategy = RESTARTABLE
instead ofREUSABLE
in your for better performances; - A Backend can not be deleted via ldapdelete/modify until OpenLDAP 2.5 will be released;
- Changing the socket path
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// <<EOF
dn: olcDatabase={4}sock,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcDbSocketPath
olcDbSocketPath: /var/run/multildap.sock
- Deploy a dummy socket listener with socat, just to debug incoming connection from slapd-sock.
socat -s UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/slapd-sock,umask=000,fork EXEC:"$your_command"
- Example configuration with slapd's Proxy Authorization Rules (authzTo: dn.regex:^uid=[^,]*,dc=example,dc=com$);
- Only SEARCH, BIND and UNBIND is usable, other LDAP methods should be implemented;