Lightweight Weka server framework that can be deployed in a container and accessed as a micro-service via web-services endpoints. Currently supports serving predictions from Weka models (classifiers and clusterers).
Install any required Weka packages before executing. E.g.:
java -cp lib/weka.jar weka.core.WekaPackageManager -install-package SMOTE
Expects a wekaServer_<task_id>.props file to be present in
The default data peraparation class for model scoring expects incoming data to score in the JSON pandas-split format. This is converted directly to a Weka Instances object and passed to the model for prediction. Predictions are output/returned as JSON-formatted pandas-split.
To run a test from the command line:
- copy/move config and models to ${user.home}
- mvn clean compile assembly:single
- java -cp target/weka-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar weka.server.scorer.Test irisClassifier input_data/iris.arff
This loads the ARFF file, converts it to JSON and then invokes the WekaScoringModel; which, in-turn, loads the j48_iris.model from the models directory, converts the JSON back Weka Instances and passes it to the J48 model for prediction. Resulting probabilty distributions are returned in JSON pandas-split format.
To build:
``` sh
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Docker container build (assumes maven build complete):
``` sh
docker build -t server:test .
docker run -it -p 7000:7000 server:test
curl http://localhost:7000
Send iris data for scoring:
``` sh
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @input_data/iris.json http://localhost:7000/invocations?taskid=irisClassifier