Please check out our paper and project page.
Collection of ROS nodes for 3D marker-less human pose estimation from single RGB-D camera and marker-less wrist following.
git clone
cd markerless-human-perception
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash
Please follow the installation of the following packages:
- COMETH: biomechanical model of the human body
- ROS Noetic Ninjemys: inter-nodes communication
- Realsense-ROS: ROS wrapper for the communication with realsense cameras
- franka_interactive_controller: default PassiveDS Controller
- OpenPose: as the HPE backbone, we choose to use OpenPose
Connect the realsense camera to the PC and run with the correct launchfile:
roslaunch realsense2_camera data/rs_d455_rmhri.launch
We developed two different ROS nodes for the HPE task:
- OpenPose: lighter version for fast inference
- OpenPose with hands: heavier but with better precision and more keypoints
This node reads the poses from the HPE backbone and publishes the target to follow at each frame.
This node is the implementation of our filter. It reads the poses from the HPE backbone and after filtering publishes the target to follow at each frame. When the filter is enables, it doesn't need the wrist tracker node.
This nose sends the desired end-effector velocity to the passive controller. To enable passive controller, launch:
roslaunch franka_interactive_controllers franka_interactive_bringup.launch
We prepared a set of scripts usefull for retrieving 4x4 RT matrices to transform a point from the franka coordinate system and the camera coordinate system to the Optitrack one.
The .dwg file of calibration board can be found here.
Turn on the OptiTrack device. Turn on the Motive app, load the calibration file. Then, run the modified version of natnet_ros_cpp:
roslaunch natnet_ros_cpp natnet_ros.launch
This node records the RGB-D stream, along with the intrinsics matrix. Please note that the calibration board must be seen by both the camera and Optitrack. Then, this tool extract the 5 points of the calibration board from the camera recordings.
This node collects the end-effector positions in both robot coordinate system and Optitrack. This can be used later to obtain the 4x4 RT matrix using the Kabsch-Umeyama algorithm .
If you are going to use some of these nodes for a scientific research, please cite the work below:
title={A Robust Filter for Marker-less Multi-person Tracking in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios},
author={Martini, Enrico and Parekh, Harshil and Peng, Shaoting and Bombieri, Nicola and Figueroa, Nadia},
booktitle={2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)},