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Immune cell type decomposition reveals intratumor heterogeneity

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Immune Cell-Type Estimation Reveals Intratumor heterogeneity


This package is designed to infer relative cell type abundance and its variability across bulk tumor samples obtained from a multi-region sequencing design. ICeITH is a reference-based deconvolution method and it overcomes the limitations of current methods by modeling a patient-specific mean expression to account for the heterogeneity of gene expressions introduced from multi-region sequencing design. In addition, ICeITH measures the intratumor heterogeneity by quantifying the variability of targeted cellular composition and it potentially reveals the relation with the risk of patients’ survival.



To install the package:



Data simulation

To demonstrate the usage of ICeITH package, we provide a function sim_func to simulate the multi-region gene expression data and the cell-type-specific reference profiles.

simData <- sim_func(K = 4,      ## Number of cell types
                    G = 500,    ## Number of genes
                    lowS = 3,   ## Minimal number of samples per subject
                    maxS = 5,   ## Maximal number of samples per subject
                    N = 10,     ## Number of patient subject
                    nRef = 100) ## Number of reference for each cell types

simData is a list contains the cell-type-specific expression profies as well as the mixed multi-region gene expression and the intratumor heterogeneity for each patient subject.

Various other options are available and the detailed description of the output values are well documented in the help pages


Reference profie estimation

The first step of the model estimation is to obtain the prior knowledge (i.e., cell-type-specific mean expression and variability of each gene) from the reference profile using refEst function. It needs needs a cell-type-specific gene expression matrix and a vector the label the cell type for each sample.

## Estimate the reference
reference = refEst(simData$X_gr,       ## Reference matrix
                   cts = simData$ct_s) ## Reference cell types

The estimation results are displayed:

For more details, please review the help page:


Model estimation

The second step of the model estimation is to quantify the relative cell-type abundance and the classification of intratumor heterogeneity level by using ICeITH function. It requires an input of multi-region gene expression data from a cohort and the sample index to the patient subject:

## Estimate the model
res_All = ICeITH(Y = simData$Y,            ## Multi-region gene expression data
                 reference = reference,    ## Prior knowledge from reference
                 sampIndex = simData$I_i,  ## Sample index
                 maxIters = 20)            ## Maximum number of iterations
## Loading required namespace: e1071

## Iteration: 1  objective value:  -219259.3 
## Iteration: 2  objective value:  -218267.3 
## Iteration: 3  objective value:  -218261.6 
## Iteration: 4  objective value:  -218242.3 
## Iteration: 5  objective value:  -218242.3 
## Iteration: 6  objective value:  -218242.3 
## Converged

The estimated relative cell-type abundance are displayed:

Maintainer information

Peng Yang ([email protected])


Peng Yang, Shawna M. Hubert, P. Andrew Futreal, Xingzhi Song, Jianhua Zhang, J. Jack Lee, Ignacio Wistuba, Ying Yuan, Jianjun Zhang, Ziyi Li. “A novel Bayesian model for assessing intratumor heterogeneity of tumor infiltrating leukocytes with multiregion gene expression sequencing.” The Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(3) 1879-1898 September 2024.


Immune cell type decomposition reveals intratumor heterogeneity






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