The Software Voyager: Embarking on a journey through the vastness of code, exploring new worlds and solving challenging problems along the way
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Rust, WEB3, THREEJS, ASP.NET Core
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- 💬 Ask me about Python3, JS, React, Express, Django, Java For Android, HTML, CSS, NextJS, Angular, ...
A Bhutanese mushroom detection website. We built our custom dataset trained googlenet model with good accuracy while training and testing. The project was carried out as a mini project in artificial intelligence module while at 4th year 1st sem. The dataset consists of approximately 8000 images of all mushrooms with 800 images in each class(10). The backend is built with Django and a headless frontend system is built with NextJS 14. Backend deployed at: - Dataset: collected from google sources - Features - Detects the given mushroom - Maps the detected mushroom to their Dzongkha names - Provides a short description of the detected mushroom